左右分屏: tmux split-pane -h 对应快捷键: Ctrl+b % 上下分屏:tmux spilt-pane -v 对应快捷键: Ctrl+b" 查看各个分屏(pane)的编号: 快捷键: Ctrl + b q 选择指定 pane :确定编号后(这里假设要选择0号pane): tmux select-pane -t 编号 关闭分屏: 快捷键 Ctrl + b x 设置pane的尺寸:resize-pane ...
unbind UpbindUp new-window -d -n tmp \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; select-window -t tmp 它使用swap-pane命令实现窗格的互换。 同理,要将窗口从当前的临时窗口还原到的原来窗口,还是使用swap-pane命令,并绑定到方向键: unbind DownbindDown last-window \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; kill-window -t ...
Ctrl-b " split pane horizontally Ctrl-b % split pane vertically Ctrl-b o next pane Ctrl-b ; prior pane Ctrl-b ←↑→↓ jump to pane Ctrl-b Ctrl-o swap panes Ctrl-b space arrange panes Ctrl-b-←↑→↓ change pane size Ctrl-b ! pop a pane into a new window The arrows ←↑→...
cmd-rename-window.c Make client -c and -t handling common in cmd-queue.c and try to be 5年前 cmd-resize-pane.c Move cmdq_state into cmd-queue.c. 5年前 cmd-resize-window.c Also move cmdq_item and cmdq_list into cmd-queue.c (this is to make its ...
$ tmux split-window -h 5.2 移动光标 tmux select-pane命令用来移动光标位置。 $ tmux select-pane -U $ tmux select-pane -D $ tmux select-pane -L $ tmux select-pane -R 5.3 交换窗格位置 tmux swap-pane命令用来交换窗格位置。 $ tmux swap-pane -U ...
switch pane - prefix o = Select the next pane in the current window. - prefix ; = Move to the previously active pane. - prefix { = Swap the current pane with the previous pane. - prefix } = Swap the current pane with the next pane. ...
setw -g mode-mouse onset -g mouse-select-pane onset -g mouse-resize-pane onset -g mouse-select-window on 恢复用户空间 Tmux有一个Bug,其中Shell的用户空间不是当前用户,结果就是mac下的open, sudo等命令都会失效。错误如下: The window server could not be contacted. open must be run with a user...
window-buffer.c Merge branch 'obsd-master' 6个月前 window-client.c Extend the menu drawing function to support custom characters and 1年前 window-clock.c Do not hoke into struct window_pane from the tty code and instead set 5年前 window-copy.c Add copy-mode-position-styl...
bind v split-window -v # move arount panes wiht hjkl, as one would in vim after C-w bind h select-pane -L bind j select-pane -D bind k select-pane -U bind l select-pane -R # resize panes like vim # feel free to change the "1" to however many lines you want to resize by...