左右分屏: tmux split-pane -h 对应快捷键: Ctrl+b % 上下分屏:tmux spilt-pane -v 对应快捷键: Ctrl+b" 查看各个分屏(pane)的编号: 快捷键: Ctrl + b q 选择指定 pane :确定编号后(这里假设要选择0号pane): tmux select-pane -t 编号 关闭分屏: 快捷键 Ctrl + b x 设置pane的尺寸:resize-pane ...
+ break pane into window (e.g.toselect text by mousetocopy) - restore panefromwindow ⍽ space - toggle between layouts <prefix>q(Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the keytogoto that pane) <prefix> { (Move the current paneleft) <prefix> } (Move the current paneright...
: join-pane -s 2.1 -t 1.0 Move pane from one window to another (Move pane 1 from window 2 to pane after 0 of window 1) Ctrl + b { Move the current pane left Ctrl + b } Move the current pane right Ctrl + b Ctrl + b Ctrl + b Ctrl + b Switch to pane to the direc...
by mouse to copy) - restore pane from window ⍽ space - toggle between layouts <prefix> q (Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to goto that pane) <prefix> { (Move the current pane left) <prefix> } (Move the current pane right) <prefix> z toggle pane zoom...
:move-window -kt999 1. 如果窗口列表中有空白,可以使用-r标志对索引进行重新编号以move-window。例如,这将把窗口列表0,1,3999变成0,1,2,3: :movew -r 1. 10. 调整和缩放窗格 窗格可以用C-b C-Left,C-b C-Right, ...
move-window -t 1 移动当前窗口到 1 号 1. 2. 3. 窗格(分割窗口) % 垂直分割 " 水平分割 o 交换窗格 x 关闭窗格 ⍽ 左边这个符号代表空格键 - 切换布局 q 显示每个窗格是第几个,当数字出现的时候按数字几就选中第几个窗格 { 与上一个窗格交换位置 ...
1 \; select-window -t tmp unbind Down bind Down last-window \; swap-pane -s tmp.1 \; kill-window -t tmp 配置文件(~/.tmux.conf): 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 基础设置 set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" set -g display-time 3000 set -g escape-time 0 set -g history-limit...
window 就是窗口,也就是展示在屏幕上能看到的全部内容,可以看做是窗口类软件的 tab;window 包含 pane,默认带有 1 个 pane。 pane和分屏同时出现,tmux 允许对一个 window 做分屏,每个 “子屏“ 都叫做一个 pane。 tmux 提供了各种快捷键来 create、rename、move、delete 这些组件,以及可以便捷的在这些组件之间...
{ [[<cmd>lua require("tmux").move_left()<cr>]], [[<cmd>lua require("tmux").move_bottom()<cr>]], [[<cmd>lua require("tmux").move_top()<cr>]], [[<cmd>lua require("tmux").move_right()<cr>]], }resizeAdd the following bindings to your ~/.tmux.conf:...
bind-key -r Down select-pane -D bind-key -r Left select-pane -L bind-key -r Right select-pane -R bind-key M-1 select-layout even-horizontal bind-key M-2 select-layout even-vertical bind-key M-3 select-layout main-horizontal ...