bind-key -r C-Right resize-pane -R 六、窗口管理 除了将一个窗口划分成多个窗格,Tmux 也允许新建多个窗口。 6.1 新建窗口 tmux new-window命令用来创建新窗口。 $ tmux new-window $ tmux new-window -n <window-name> 6.2 切换窗口 tmux select-window命令用来切换窗口。 $ tmux select-window -t <win...
client理论上可以无限扩展,同时,tmux的管理层级又可以分为,client,session,window,pane. 一个client中有多个session,一个session中可以有很多个window,一个window中又可以分出很多个pane,所以就这一点而言是screen所望尘莫及的,并且窗口可以横着分也可以纵着分,真的是相当方便且不可多得的神器。
(e.g.toselect text by mousetocopy)- restore panefromwindow⍽ space - toggle between layouts<prefix>q(Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the keytogoto that pane)<prefix> { (Move the current paneleft)<prefix> } (Move the current paneright)<prefix> z toggle pane zoom ...
To run custom bindings in nvim, make sure to set enable_default_keybindings to false. The following functions are used to navigate around windows and panes:{ [[<cmd>lua require("tmux").move_left()<cr>]], [[<cmd>lua require("tmux").move_bottom()<cr>]], [[<cmd>lua require("...
Added {meth}Window.new_window() shorthand to create window based on that window's position.Improved window splitting (#532)Window.split_window() to {meth}Window.split() Deprecate Window.split_window() Pane.split_window() to {meth}Pane.split() Deprecate Pane.split_window() Learned directi...
Prefix + }swap current pane with the pane from the left Prefix + {swap current pane with the page from the right Prefix + !move the pane out of current window Prefix + ;Go to the last used pane Prefix + M-1Predefined layout to switch to even-horizontal layout ...
by mouse to copy) - restore pane from window ⍽ space - toggle between layouts <prefix> q (Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to goto that pane) <prefix> { (Move the current pane left) <prefix> } (Move the current pane right) <prefix> z toggle pane zoom...
If we now navigate to the top-right pane again, and run “htop”, we can see a textual process monitor: Move to the bottom-right pane and run “fortune | cowsay” (install using apt-get if they’re missing), and you can see a cow read out the fortune cookie message of the day ...
, Rename the current window. - Delete the most recently copied buffer of text. . Prompt for an index to move the current window. 0 to 9 Select windows 0 to 9. : Enter the tmux command prompt. ; Move to the previously active pane. = Choose which buffer to paste interactively from a...
Breakpane to anewwindowC-a #Listall paste buffers C-a $Renamecurrent session C-a&Killcurrent window C-a 'Promptforwindow index to select C-a(Switchto previous client C-a)Switchto next client C-a,Renamecurrent window C-a.Movethe current window C-a/Describekey binding C-a0Selectwindow0...