* Prompt for command in client. */static enum cmd_retval cmd_command_prompt_exec(struct cmd *, struct cmdq_item *);static int cmd_command_prompt_callback(void *, const char *, int); static void cmd_command_prompt_free(void *);const...
将命令行文本复制到剪贴板 <prefix+y> # 2. 将当前面板的工作目录复制到剪贴板 <prefix+Y> set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-yank' # 配置开启剪贴板功能 set -g set-clipboard on # set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l $SHELL" 4. Tmux 保存恢复会话Persists tmux envi...
其他配置bind m command-prompt "splitw -h 'exec man %%'" # 绑定m键为在新的panel打开man # 绑定P键为开启日志功能,如下,面板的输出日志将存储到桌面 bind P pipe-pane -o "cat >>~/Desktop/#W.log" \; display "Toggled logging to ~/Desktop/#W.log"恢复用户空间 Tmux会话中,Mac的部分命令如o...
bind r command-prompt -I "#{window_name}" "rename-window '%%'" bind R command-prompt -I "#{session_name}" "rename-session '%%'" 到目前为止,介绍了开发过程中使用tmux的工作流、基本的操作以及简单的配置,我觉得目前已经可以满足基本的使用。tmux也支持安装各种插件,本文没有提及,其他更高级的操作,...
bind-key . command-prompt "move-window -t '%%'" bind-key 0 select-window -t :0 bind-key 1 select-window -t :1 bind-key 2 select-window -t :2 bind-key 3 select-window -t :3 bind-key 4 select-window -t :4 bind-key 5 select-window -t :5 ...
splitw ncmpcpp# bind m command-prompt "splitw 'exec man %%'"# bind @ command-prompt "splitw 'exec perldoc -t -f %%'"# bind * command-prompt "splitw 'exec perldoc -t -v %%'"# bind % command-prompt "splitw 'exec perldoc -t %%'"# bind / command-prompt "splitw 'exec ri ...
其他配置bindmcommand-prompt"splitw -h 'exec man%%'"# 绑定m键为在新的panel打开man# 绑定P键为开启日志功能,如下,面板的输出日志将存储到桌面bindPpipe-pane -o"cat >>~/Desktop/#W.log"\; display"Toggled logging to ~/Desktop/#W.log"恢复用户空间 ...
' Prompt for a window index to select. , Rename the current window. - Delete the most recently copied buffer of text. . Prompt for an index to move the current window. 0 to 9 Select windows 0 to 9. : Enter the tmux command prompt. ; Move to the previously active pane. = Choose ...
(y/n)" kill-window bind-key ' command-prompt -p index "select-window -t ':%%'" bind-key ( switch-client -p bind-key ) switch-client -n bind-key , command-prompt -I #W "rename-window '%%'" bind-key - delete-buffer bind-key . command-prompt "move-window -t '%%'" bind-ke...