bind-key h split-window -v# Easy config reloadbind-key r source-file ~/.tmux.conf\;display-message"tmux.conf reloaded" Send prefix:把prefix的ctrl+b变为了ctrl+a Use Alt-arrow keys to switch panes:直接用alt+箭头在pane之间切换 Shift arrow to switch windows:直接使用shift+箭头在window之间切换...
Command/ShortcutAction CTRL+b then c Create a new window. CTRL+b then , Rename the current window. CTRL+b then w List all windows. CTRL+b then & Kill the current window. CTRL+b then n Switch to the next window. CTRL+b then p Switch to the previous window. CTRL+b then l Open ...
It is possible to attach multiple windows to the same session and switch between them as needed. This can be helpful when you want to run multiple jobs in parallel. CommandResult Prefix + c Create a new window Prefix + p Switch to the previous window Prefix + n Switch to the next ...
Command target change (#535)Commands: All cmd() methods using custom or overridden targets must use the keyword argument target. This avoids entanglement with inner shell values that include -t for other purposes. These methods include:{meth}Server.cmd() {meth}Session.cmd() {meth}Window.cmd(...
For those not familiar with it, Tmux is a terminal multiplexer – a popular (even essential) command-line tool that allows one to divide a console/terminal window into multiple “panes” and render the output of a shell and/or tool in each “pane”, and to switch input between each pane...
tmux是一个在 Linux 系统中常用的终端复用工具,它允许用户在一个终端窗口中创建多个会话,并在这些会话之间切换。以下是一些基础的tmux快捷键及其功能: 基础概念 会话(Session):tmux 的顶级容器,可以包含多个窗口(Windows)和面板(Panes)。 窗口(Window):会话中的一个独立终端区域。
CMD_TARGET_WINDOW_USAGE " [command]", 0, cmd_new_window_exec }; enum cmd_retval cmd_new_window_exec(struct cmd *self, struct cmd_q *cmdq) { struct args *args = self->args; struct session *s; struct winlink *wl; const char *cmd, *path, *template; char **argv, *cause, *cp...
0 to 9 Select windows 0 to 9. : Enter the tmux command prompt. ; Move to the previously active pane. = Choose which buffer to paste interactively from a list. ? List all key bindings. D Choose a client to detach. [ Enter copy mode to copy text or view the history. ] Paste the...
If you're using any old versions, you should change the encryption method using command: :setlocal cm=blowfish2 Here,cmreferscryptmethod. If you wish to switch to the less secure encryption methods, such asblowfishandzip, run: :setlocal cm=blowfish ...
set-gdefault-command/bin/zsh bind-key-Tcopy-mode-vi MouseDragEnd1Pane send-Xcopy-pipe-and-cancel"reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"bind-key-Tcopy-mode MouseDragEnd1Pane send-Xcopy-pipe-and-cancel"reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"