bind-key h split-window -v# Easy config reloadbind-key r source-file ~/.tmux.conf\;display-message"tmux.conf reloaded" Send prefix:把prefix的ctrl+b变为了ctrl+a Use Alt-arrow keys to switch panes:直接用alt+箭头在pane之间切换 Shift arrow to switch windows:直接使用shift+箭头在window之间切换...
# Shift-arrow to switch windows bind -n M-Left previous-window bind -n M-Right next-window #Enable mouse mode (tmux 2.1 and above) setw -g mouse on set -g mouse on #Enable oh my zsh in tmux set -g default-command /bin/zsh # Mouse based copy bind-key -T copy-mode-vi MouseDr...
757:# command -v clip.exe > /dev/null 2>&1 && command='clip\.exe' 可以发现,更加的方便,但是必须打开/etc/wsl.conf中的环境变量开关 或者/etc/profile中添加环境变量 export PATH=$PATH:/mnt/c/Windows/System32 参考: Tmux 使用教程 tmux的使用方法和个性化配置 Tmux使用手册 tmux简洁教程及config关键...
5,切换回话 使用过程中需要切换到另一个会话中执行命令,你可以这样:# 使用会话编号 $ tmux switch ...
<prefix> C-f lets you switch to another session by name <prefix> C-h and <prefix> C-l let you navigate windows (default <prefix> n and <prefix> p are unbound) <prefix> Tab brings you to the last active window <prefix> - splits the current pane vertically <prefix> _ splits...
3. Use the following hot keys to control its windows and tabs: ctrl-b, % split the screen in half from left to right ctrl-b, " split the screen in half from top to bottom ctrl-b, array_key switch to the pane in different directions ...
set-gdefault-command/bin/zsh bind-key-Tcopy-mode-vi MouseDragEnd1Pane send-Xcopy-pipe-and-cancel"reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"bind-key-Tcopy-mode MouseDragEnd1Pane send-Xcopy-pipe-and-cancel"reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"
For those not familiar with it, Tmux is a terminal multiplexer – a popular (even essential) command-line tool that allows one to divide a console/terminal window into multiple “panes” and render the output of a shell and/or tool in each “pane”, and to switch input between each pane...
Equivalent to tmux split-windows's [shell-command] session_name: Pane shell example windows: - window_name: first window_shell: /usr/bin/python2 layout: even-vertical suppress_history: false options: remain-on-exit: true panes: - shell: /usr/bin/python3 shell_command: - print('This is...
Since processes in windows run separately, you can switch between them without disrupting ongoing tasks. tmux Panes Panes are used to split a window into multiple sections. Panes can be arranged horizontally or vertically, depending on how you want to divide the screen. For example, you can run...