As one of the most trusted TMJ Experts in Sherman Oaks, Dr. Eddie Siman could permanently relieve your headache, jaw, ear and neck pain. Call TMJ Expert for a consultation today!
The Temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is where the jaw bone (mandible) connects to the skull (temporal bone), essentially operating like a sliding hinge on either side of the face. The connecting parts of the bones have a cartilage covering and are separated by a small disk designed to be ...
TMD can cause symptoms such as clicking or popping of the joint, difficulty chewing, jaws that get “stuck” in one position, headaches, and/or severe pain and discomfort. Causes of TMD: Arthritis in the jaw joint Injury to the jaw, head, or neck Dislocation of the disc that cushions ...
As one of the most trusted TMJ Experts in Sherman Oaks, Dr. Eddie Siman could permanently relieve your headache, jaw, ear and neck pain. Call TMJ Expert for a consultation today!
Why Does My Jaw Hurt On One Side? What Does TMJ Pain Feel Like? Best Foods & Diet to Ease Your TMJ Pain The Long-Term Effects of Untreated TMD How are TMJ, Lockjaw, and Jaw Lock Related? What is a TMJ Flare-Up, and Can I Stop Them?
There's one on each side, and they attach your jaw to the bottom of your skull. The muscles near them let you to open and close your mouth. But sometimes, the joints get out of line or don’t move as they should. You might have heard that problem called TMJ, but it’s actually...
Cervicogenic headaches are understood to be more unilateral in nature, with pain originating from one side of the neck/head and travelling into the front region with ipsilateral arm discomfort in some instances. It may also be bilateral (meaning both sides of the head can be involved) and neck...
Temporalis:This fan-shaped muscle is located on the side of the skull. It lifts and lowers the jaw, as well as pulls the lower jaw backward. Over-activation of this muscle is responsible for headaches in many people. Masseter:This is the main muscle for chewing that closes the mouth, an...
The damage or strain of the TMJ is a degenerative disease that gradually causes the way the upper and lower teeth fit together to shift. The main side effects of TMD include: Clicking or grinding sound when opening and closing the mouth Jaw pain Limited jaw movement or complete inability to...
With one on each side, the TMJ connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the skull. Notice how you can move your jaw both up and down and side to side? It's a complicated joint that allows for a wide range of motion.Temporomandibular joint syndrome describes problems with the jaw. Jaw ...