Aligning Your Health One Bite at a Time Dr. Siman is unlike most doctors who treat TMJ and sleep apnea. He believes in staying abreast of the latest technology that can assist in pinpointing pain points and providing enough data to make a proper diagnosis. Dr. Siman constantly stays on top...
Notice the weight of your head on the floor. Are you sinking into the floor more? And since we did a movement only on one side, notice the difference in sensation on the right side of your jaw and the left…and the left side of your face and the right, left cheek and right cheek...
Aligning Your Health One Bite at a Time Dr. Siman is unlike most doctors who treat TMJ and sleep apnea. He believes in staying abreast of the latest technology that can assist in pinpointing pain points and providing enough data to make a proper diagnosis. Dr. Siman constantly stays on top...
There's one on each side, and they attach your jaw to the bottom of your skull. The muscles near them let you to open and close your mouth. But sometimes, the joints get out of line or don’t move as they should. You might have heard that problem called TMJ, but it’s actually...
This joint, often referred to as the TM joint or TMJ, operates as part of a complex system of bones, discs, muscles, and ligaments that work together to allow your mouth to move up and down and side to side when you chew and speak. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) describes a ...
The TMJ is a bilateral joint where movement of one side is dependent on the other. Movement direction and magnitude are governed by the shape of the contacting surfaces, ligaments, and muscles. Upper and lower joint compartments are separated by a fibrocartilagenous articular disk. The disk ...
Deviation of the jaw to one side The jaw locking open or closed Ringing in the ears, ear pain, and ear congestion Sinus like symptoms Dizziness or vertigo Visual Disturbances Tingling in fingers and hands Insomnia -difficulty sleeping Hidden underneath these symptoms are generally a negative impact...
Temporalis:This fan-shaped muscle is located on the side of the skull. It lifts and lowers the jaw, as well as pulls the lower jaw backward. Over-activation of this muscle is responsible for headaches in many people. Masseter:This is the main muscle for chewing that closes the mouth, an...
TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, means that the hinge connecting the upper and lower jaw isn't working properly. This hinge is one of the most complex joints in the body, responsible for moving the lower jaw forward, backward and side-to-side. Any problem that prevents this complex...
Many of them evaluated connections between psychological tests or psychiatric rating scales (e.g. MMPI, Hopkins Symptoms Check List, etc.) on one side, TMJ disorders on the other (Carlson et al, 1993; Stockstill and Callahan, 1991).