(or mobile phase) containing the solute (mixture - extract with pigments in this case). The mobile phase can be chosen depending on the purpose, for example for separating polar (hydrophilic, or water soluble) molecules in the mixture one would use polar solvent (eg. Water). When nonpolar ...
True or false? True or false? Liquids with weaker intermolecular interactions have lower viscosity. Soap molecules have a long nonpolar tail and a polar head. a. True b. False Answer true or false: If 5 moles of a solute are dissolved in 750 mL of solvent, the molar...
for a 60% Hexane and 40% Ethyl Acetate mixture for TLC would the mixture be nonpolar because it is made up of 60% hexane? When calculating the Rf value the one with the greatest Rf value would be the least polar because the solvent mixture is nonpolar? Logged Miss...
Given a stationary phase of silica gel and nonpolar and polar analyte, which would elute first? Also if given a polar analyte/solute like cocaine, how might an increase in the polarity of the solvent affect the transport of the analyte? 1. What would be the result o...
Nonpolarsubstancesmovefartheruptheplate R O Si O Si O Si O R OH OH OH R R R Calibration/StandardsTLC Calibration/StandardsTLC • Nocalibration • Standards – Comparetootherknownsubstances –R f value Solvents Solvents • Chooseasolventdependingonthe polarityofthecompound • LeastPolar •...
1. In standard column chromatography, it is better to change from a nonpolar solvent to a more polar solvent. What are some disadvantages if the reverse is done? 2. What would happen if air bubbles we Why is it important to prevent having air bubbles in the ...