也许我对window.mainloop()的作用完全误解了,但如果它确实使程序不断循环执行代码,那么为什么不将变量重新赋值为它们的初始值呢? 为了更好地说明问题,我们编写了以下代码: fromtkinterimport*x=10y=10a=100b=100defhello():#print spin valueprint("Spin Value:")number=v.get()print(number)#update text with ...
使用for loop遍历图像路径列表,并调用show_image函数显示每个图像: 代码语言:txt 复制 for path in image_paths: show_image(path) window.update() # 更新窗口,确保图像显示 window.after(2000) # 延迟2秒钟显示下一张图像 在上述代码中,我们首先导入了tkinter和PIL库,然后创建了一个窗口和画布。接下来,我们定...
官方文档中说 v-link 指令被 <router-link> 组件指令替代,且 <router-link> 不支持 target="_blank...
self.button.pack(pady=5, ipadx=2, ipady=2)classApp(tk.Tk):def__init__(self):super().__init__() self.btn = tk.Button(self, text="Open new window", command=self.open_window) self.btn.pack(padx=50, pady=20)defopen_window(self): window = Window(self) window.grab_set()if...
| | update(self) | Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl. | | update_idletasks(self) | Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This | will update the display of windows but not process events caused by | the user. | | wait_variab...
import tkinter as tkimport asyncioasync def update_label():for i in range(10):label.config(text=f"Count: {i}")await asyncio.sleep(1)root = tk.Tk()label = tk.Label(root, text="Count: 0")label.pack()async def main():await update_label()loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()loop.run_...
pilImage = pilImage.resize((window_width, 720),Image.ANTIALIAS) tkImage1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=pilImage) nowt+=n return tkImage1 #图像的显示与更新 def video(): global nows,nowt def video_loop(): global nows,nowt try: while True: ...
for child in mainframe.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=5, pady=5) feet_entry.focus() root.bind("<Return>", calculate) # Start the Event Loop root.mainloop() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
If your program isn't running the event loop, your user interface won't update. Understanding How Tkinter Wraps Tcl/Tk When your application uses Tkinter's classes and methods, internally Tkinter is assembling strings representing Tcl/Tk commands, and executing those commands in the Tcl ...
# we technically don't need to update x, y because move will do the job self.cv.move(self.cid, self.vx + move_x, self.vy+GRAVITY*dt) self.vy += GRAVITY*dt # 如果粒子的生命周期已过,就将其移除 elif self.cidisnotNone: cv.delete(self.cid) ...