c_int,sizeofwindow=Tk()# 设置为你需要设置的窗口DWMWA_CAPTION_COLOR=19# 标题栏颜色属性名DWMWA_...
window.geometry("%sx%s+%s+%s" % (winWidth, winHeight, x, y)) # 设置窗口宽高固定 window.resizable(0,0) # 设置窗口图标 window.iconbitmap("./image/icon.ico") # 设置窗口顶部样式 window.attributes("-toolwindow", 0) # 设置窗口透明度 window.attributes("-alpha",1) #获取当前窗口状态 prin...
window.maxsize(600,1200) 窗口可调整的最大值 window.attributes("-toolwindow", 1) 工具栏样式 window.attributes("-topmost", -1) 置顶窗口 window.state("zoomed") 窗口最大化 window.iconify() 窗口最小化 window.deiconify() 还原窗口 window.attributes("-alpha",1) 窗口透明化,透明度从 0-1,1 是...
root.title("Practice with Grid") root.geometry("210x180") # set starting size of window def display_checked(): '''check if the checkbuttons have been toggled, and display a value of '1' if they are checked, '0' if not checked''' red = red_var.get() yellow = yellow_var.get(...
列。 函数printf(“Hello!”);将字符串输出到输出窗口中,在当前确省光标位置上将Hello!依次输出...
我尝试了以下几点: import Tkinter root = Tkinter.Tk() root.overrideredirect(True) # Set window to be size of screen root.geometry("{0}x{1}+0+0".format(root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo 浏览1提问于2014-06-25得票数 1 回答已采纳 2回答 如何创建像消息框这样的新窗口? 嗨,伙计们,...
Thegeometrymethod sets a size for the window and positions it on the screen. The first two parameters are the width and height of the window. The last two parameters are x and y screen coordinates. app = Example() Here we create the instance of the application class. ...
w, h = self.img.size self.master.geometry(("%dx%d+300+300") % (w, h)) We make the size of the window to exactly fit the image size. Tkinter Scale Scaleis a widget that lets the user graphically select a value by sliding a knob within a bounded interval. Our example will show...
window = tk.Tk()# new windowwindow.title('Hello')# window titlewindow.geometry('350x200')# window size; can be changed by mouse draggingprint('press enter to show the window...')input() window.mainloop()# show window, start main loop.# the main loop keeps monitoring the user's opera...