root.geometry(f'{WIDTH}x{HEIGHT}+{int(x)}+{int(y)}') root.resizable(width=True, height=True) # 设置是否禁止调整窗口的宽和高。 root.minsize(250, 250) # 设置窗口的最小尺寸。 root.maxsize(800, 600) # 设置窗口的最大尺寸。 win_width = root.winfo_width() #获取窗口宽度(单位:像素)...
...以下是完整的代码实现: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox, Menu, Toplevel, Text, simpledialog,...theme_name) def change_window_size(self): size = simpledialog.askstring("设置窗口大小", "请输入窗口大小(如800x600...使用方向键来控制蛇的移动,吃到豆子增加分数和长度。避免撞...
Tkinter actually has a variety of ways in which we may change the font type and size. Tkinter has several built in fonts, which can complicate things, especially when you realize that Each widget only uses one of these fonts. However, this also gives us the option to individually change th...
(state=tk.DISABLED) # Disable the button during taskfor i in range(10):print(f"Task running: {i}")time.sleep(1)self.start_button.config(state=tk.NORMAL) # Enable the button after taskroot = tk.Tk()app = MainWindow(root)root.geometry("400x300") # Set initial main window sizeroot...
# 创建一个新的窗口来显示二维码 qr_code_window = tk.Toplevel(root) qr_code_window.tit...
# PyObjCpackage.If you change structureofwindows then you # need todomodifications hereaswell.# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferencesfromAppKitimportNSApp # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferencesimportobjc # Sometimes there is more than one window,when application ...
## 设置最小size root.minsize(800, 600) ## 设置居中显示 root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (800, 600, (root.winfo_screenwidth() - 1000) / 2, (root.winfo_screenheight() - 600) / 2)) ## 配置默认主题 change_theme() mainloop()...