self.send_cnt.set(self.TX)else: msgbox.showerror("Error","Port NOT open!")returndefrecv_data(self):whileself.portisopen: !=0:ifself.recv_mode.get() == 1: data=binascii.b2a_hex(data)ifsys.version_info.major == 3: data+= b''elifsys.version_info...
# Button to exit the chatbot exit = Button(root, width=25, pady=7, text="Close Window", fg='black'), y=210) 显示DevOps 图像 下载镜像并将其复制到当前目录,根据您的需要将图像调整为特定尺寸。 设置显示图像的位置。 # Open the image using Pillow pil_img =
Bug report Bug description: If mouse cursor was inside of tkinter window when tkinter window is opening up, the widgets inside the window become unresponsive (e.g. Click on button not registered). This weird state is resolved when user d...
accessed via the self attribute to the Tk root window. It is expanded in both directions. In other words, it takes the whole client space of the root window.
Like the title says I'm having a problem with multiple windows being able to open. New window (same window) every time I click the button. I haven't been able to find an answer to this specific scenario. I've even tried disabling the button after opening window (which led to the pro...
Changing the Window creation call in Example 1 to this line of code produces a similar semi-transparent window:window = sg.Window('My window', layout, no_titlebar=True, alpha_channel=0.5)GamesWhile not specifically written as a game development SDK, PySimpleGUI makes the development of some...
Tkinter centering window This script centers a window on the screen. 这个脚本将窗口放在屏幕中间。 fromtkinterimportTk, BOTHfromtkinter.ttkimportFrameclassExample(Frame):def__init__(self):super().__init__() self.initUI()definitUI(self): ...
When the user moves the cursor inside a widget to which a Balloon widget has been bound, a small pop-up window with a descriptive message will be shown on the screen. class tkinter.tix.ButtonBox The ButtonBox widget creates a box of buttons, such as is commonly used for Ok Cancel. ...
If it has been awhile since the page was refreshed, a refresh is needed to get a working session. Scrolling in the window to revive it will not work as it will refresh anyway to give a new SessionId. 如果自刷新页面以来已经有一段时间了,则需要刷新才能正常工作。 在窗口中滚动以恢复它将不...