In this output, the main window has a button which when clicked will prompt a user whether he wants to quit this page or not. If a user says ‘Yes’ this page will disappear’. Since it is a question you can notice a small icon of a question mark on the left side of the prompt....
一、创建一个空白窗口: fromtkinterimport*win=Tk() win.title("My GUI") win.mainloop() 二、设置窗口属性: 1、设置窗口样式的相关方法及其含义: title() 设置窗口标题 geoemetry("widthxheight") 设置窗口的大小及位置,单位为pilex maxsize() 窗口的最大尺寸 minsize() 窗口的最小尺寸 configure(bg=color...
command=self.open_window) self.btn.pack(padx=50, pady=20)defopen_window(self): window = Window(self) window.grab_set()if__name__ =="__main__": app = App() app.mainloop() 它是如何工作的... 我们定义一个Toplevel子类来表示我们的自定义窗口,它与父窗口的关系在它的__init__方法中...
"""forchildinframe.winfo_children():# Only output_play_button can change output_stop_button's stateifchildisoutput_stop_button:# If output is playing right nowifplay_event:# Someone wants to disable the output frame, so output play must stopplay_event.set()continuechild['state'] = state...
['New Window Ctrl+N ', 24 'Open... Ctrl+O ', 25 'Recent Files ', 26 'Open Module... Alt+M ', 27 'Class Browser Alt+C ', 28 'Path Browser ', 29 'Save Ctrl+S ', 30 'Save As... Ctrl+Shift+S', 31 'Save Copy As... Ctrl+Alt+S ', 32 'Print Window Ctrl+P ', ...
def say_hello():label.config(text="Hello World!")#创建一个顶级窗口(root window),这是整个GUI程序的基础。root = tk.Tk()#创建一个标签(Label),设置其初始文本为"Click the button to say hello!",并将其添加到根窗口中。label = tk.Label(root, text="Click the button to say hello!")label....
Bug report Bug description: If mouse cursor was inside of tkinter window when tkinter window is opening up, the widgets inside the window become unresponsive (e.g. Click on button not registered). This weird state is resolved when user d...
self.windowDisabled = tk.Checkbutton(self, text="Show Pilot Breakdown window", variable=checkboxValue) self.windowDisabled.var = checkboxValue self.windowDisabled.grid(row="1", column="1", columnspan="2") tk.Frame(self, height="20", width="10").grid(row="2", column="1", columnspan...
(master=self.init_window_name)# 创建存放文本输入,文件选择组件的容器self.input_frame.grid(padx=20, pady=5, row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.W)# 外间距20px,上下间距0,1行,0(从0开始)列self.choose_day_frame = tk.Frame(master=self.init_window_name)# 创建存放单选组件的容器self.choose_day_...
from tkinter.filedialogimportaskopenfilename # 文件选择 from tkinter.scrolledtextimportScrolledTextimportthreadingclassTestGui(object):def__init__(self,init_window_name):self.file_input_dirs=None # 存放文件地址变量 self.init_window_name=init_window_name ...