Modern families need to follow all sorts of healthy habits, from eating right to staying active, but these can fall by the wayside because there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to stick to their goals as a household. Rather than throwing in the towel, it’s essential to strategize...
The Family Centre offers some wonderfulparenting workshopswhere parents can share their challenges, exchange information that is helpful, and develop skills to create healthy families.
Studies have shown that families that participate together in outdoor activities report that they are happier and feel more connected to each other. Have a no technology Saturday every once in a while, to get the kids (and adults) off their phones and focused on fun. 5. Institute the Fami...
Preparing a healthy lunch for your child's day does not have to be a chore. Here are some tips for making a balanced meal for lunch at home or for school. Ideas for lunches that include at least 4 food groups.
Remind yourself daily that there are no perfect kids and no perfect parents: I have worked with thousands of families over my career and haven’t met one yet. You will make mistakes as will your kids, and it’s okay. Extend lots of grace to yourself and your kids: We will all have ...
Fortunately, there are simple ways to keep teeth strong and healthy from childhood to old age. Here’s how: 1. Start children early.Despite great strides in decay prevention, one in four young children develops signs oftoothdecay before they start school. Half of all children between the ages...
Through cohesive efforts, families can create environments that foster physical, mental, and emotional well-being for every member. 31 Mar Linda Barnes Innovative approaches in healthcare Innovative approaches in healthcare are transforming the way medical professionals diagnose, treat, and prevent ...
that a parent can pinpoint their offspring’s exact whereabouts at any given time, think of a helicopter parent. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.Life360is pioneering a balanced approach, demonstrating how families can remain in touch while fostering independence and respect for privacy...
The authors suggest tips to help families cope with a media-saturated world. Children are said to be exposed to a variety of media. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, principles of healthy media should be used to make the child's experience a mind enriching... 1. Work to develop caring, loving relationships with your kids. WHY? Children learn caring and respect when they are treated that way. When our children feel loved, they also become attached to us. That attachment...