consider if you would buy the item in that condition. If you don’t need the money, donating can be a less time-consuming way to declutter your closet. It’s also a good option for those who want to help people in need.
Keep getting rid of things until everything you are keeping fits easily into the drawers or closet, or work on decluttering more storage space until what you've got does fit easily.If you'd like even more questions to help you declutter any type of clothing, including clothes for adults,...
Banish decluttering overwhelm and get your closet sorted with our top 7 tips. We break it down into steps so you’ll have the tidy closet you’ve always dreamed of.
Top 3 tips for decluttering your mind Get the swirling thoughts out into a safe place. A brain dump of all the things. You can categorize and prioritize it later – it’s just helpful to get it out. It could be writing stuff on a list or typing into an app or document. Now it’...
Start by decluttering anything you haven’t worn in the last 1-2 years (you’ll be surprised at how many things you forgot you owned!). If you haven’t worn it recently and you don’t see yourself wearing it in the next 3 months, the chances of you wearing it in the near future...
Spring cleaning your closet may seem daunting, but with these tips, you can tackle it like a pro. Remember to take your time, break the task into manageable steps and stay focused on your goal of creating a more organized and functional space. By decluttering and donating or trashing things...
After all, decluttering gives you a great reward for even a small investment of time and energy. The Declutter 365 system is designed to help you declutter, over the course of a year, your entire house, with just 15 minutes of decluttering each day! Hundreds of thousands of people use ...
One way to ensure you don't miss anything while decluttering your home, is to take everything out of its normal space. So if you're decluttering the bathroom, for example, take everything out of there and put it on the floor or bed in another room (use black bags such asHefty ultr...
Decluttering Your Home? feel VERY overwhelmed? Getting organized and clutter-free is much easier with a plan! Grab this free e-book for a simple 30 Day Action Plan to get it done… Free Gift for YOU! Are You Ready To Get COMPLETELY Organized?
18. Declutter for 15 Minutes Daily– FlyLady encourages everyone with this helpful approach: Set a timer and spend 15 minutes a day decluttering.Make Daily Progress. 19. Question Quantity– Asking “How many do I need?” to limit excess and focus on the essentials. Maybe the most famous ...