This post is all about how to declutter clothes and thin out your closet.There has long been a connection between our physical space and emotional well-being. When we live amidst clutter, that chaos affects our emotional health. The spaces we create for ourselves in our homes should be a ...
first time you’ve tried to declutter. I know that feels. Before I decluttered for good, downsized and changed my relationship with stuff and shopping, I was decluttering regularly. The only problem was that I kept filling up the space I was creating. I finally decided to break the cycle...
As soon as you start to notice thesigns it's time to declutter your home, it is time to start working on each room, one at a time. Starting when you first notice the tell-tale signs will help prevent your home from falling into chaos, therefore stopping you fromdecluttering when you ...
How often should you declutter your closet? Now that you've decluttered your closet, when is the next time you should revisit it? This is mostly going to be personal preference based on your cleaning habits, but I would recommend at least twice a year in between the warmer spring and sum...
If you live in a smaller home, like me, organizing anything is always a challenge. I usually tend to declutter a category first and take the available storage space as my limit (not the number of items I have). My tip is to maximize the vertical space, for example with the help of ...
“Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down.” ~Maria Defillo I remember perusing through a used bookstore in a small New England town as a teenager. A book caught my eye—maybe because its spine was a MacIntosh apple red—and I ...
A yard sale is a great way to declutter your home and make money same-day by selling unwanted belongings to neighbors. Sites such as,, and eBay Classifieds can help you get the word out. To ensure a successful sale, put items out in an organized ...
How to Clean White Canvas Shoes With Baking Soda and Vinegar or Toothpaste Marisa Kikis What You Need: Soft brush Baking soda White vinegar Warm water Bowl All-white toothpaste Toothbrush Cloths Step 1: Remove Dirt Get rid of loose dirt by gently scrubbing your white shoes with a soft brush...
and even things that belong to exes. If you’ve heard of Marie Kondo’s KonMari declutter method, you’re familiar with the practice of not keeping anything that doesn’t “spark joy.” Go through your closet piece by piece and let go of what no longer serves you. Your ...
Learning how to clean your house effectively can make a world of difference in creating a more comfortable and organized living environment. In this blog post, I’ll provide you with practical tips and step-by-step guidance to help you deep clean every room in your home. From decluttering ...