Thank you for these wonderful tips and comments on writing meeting minutes. I have been taking meeting minutes for the last six months in an Academic Medicine environment. The terminolgy can be a real challenge. I would like to save some time with re-listening to the entire meeting to creat...
social media post, or web page disappears, helping cement the connection between a brand and the products and services it offers. But writing a slogan is a whole different exercise. If you’re considering a slogan for your business, how ...
Tips for Better Business Writing Bookmark this pageand use it as a handy reference while you're writing! General Advice Typefaces/Formatting: "Serif" fonts such as Times are easier to read than "sans-serif" fonts such as Helvetica. Serifs are the little "tails" on the ends of the ...
Be Customer Friendly. When writing directly to customers, always focus on their needs and their perspective. Put yourself in their position and imagine what it would be like receiving your letter. Everyone can do this, since we are all customers of some other business in some part of our liv...
Business Writing Tips 商务英语写作秘诀 ProfessorCOON •Purposeofbusinesswritingistotellasmuchasneededforthereaderasclearlyandasquicklyaspossible.–Thesetipswillenableyouto:1.Reducethetimespentcomposingyourmessages.2.Choosethemostappropriateexpressionsfordifferentsituations.3.Makeiteasierforreaderstounderstandyou.4....
The following tips, adapted fromOxford Living Dictionaries, form a good foundation for business writing best practices. Put your main points first.State exactly why you're writing the correspondence upfront. One exception to this rule is for sales letters. Reminding the recipient of a past meeting...
A business appreciation letter is the best way to convey your gratitude. However, it is not a platform to ask for support or monetary help. You can add some lines of motivation or to boosts morale of the person to whom you are writing to increase the productivity of the business and stre...
Tips For Writing A Business Plan For Your Small BusinessMaryjean Howe
Many first-time business book authors think back to writing papers in secondary school or university and use a similar writing style for their book. However, a great business book is not a collection of quotes from others together with footnoted citations of facts! Instead, create a compelling...
Save editing for the very end. Switching back and forth between being creative and critiquing your own writing causes you to lose steam. One of the greatest tools to cultivate motivation is progress. Keep writing, focusing on the raw and real expression of your ideas, and save the editing un...