《引爆点TippingPoint》—[美]马尔科姆·格拉德威尔.pdf,引爆点 作者:马尔科姆-格拉德威尔 第一部分 第 1 节:引爆点(1) 中文版序 理解流行 《经济观察报》商业评论版主编 李翔一 我有一个关系很好的同事,大家都叫他小新。 我们曾共同供职于《经济观察报》,那时他是 IT
总结下,这本书其实是在说“改变”,Tipping Point Theory想说明的问题就是,改变是可以发生的,而且可以通过1.找对关键人物;2.重塑想要传递的信息本身;3.创造更利于改变发生外部环境这三种方式来使改变发生的更迅速,影响范围更大。当我们埋头做事,并希望改变赶紧发生时,不妨抬头看看这几个因素,说不定小小的调整就能...
The Heart of "Tipping Point": A Tale of Coming-of-Age and Overcoming Adversity At its core, "Tipping Point" is a coming-of-age story that echoes the challenges, fears, and aspirations we all face on our journey to adulthood. It's a story that transcends age, background, and experience...
The Tipping Point 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 在漫画阅读过程中,才慢慢关注到像恩基比拉、松本大洋、寺田克也这些名家,所以重读这部《惊爆点》或许又有了不一样的感受。很想试着用一句话去分别概括13位名家面对同样的命题作文——惊爆点(tipping points)是如何完成的: 1松本大洋——地球这一刻,不同人的一个瞬间...
Free Essay: Book Review - The Tipping Point - Gladwell Purpose or Theme of the book The main them of the book is that little changes can have a big effect on...
In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that "social epidemics" are driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well connected. The idea is intuitively compelling--we think we...
Author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell has come to terms with what he got wrong in his best-selling book "The Tipping Point," and he got something new out of it. John Dickerson sat down with Gladwell to talk about the lessons learned from his new book, "
1、TippingPoint IPS产品简介(v1.2).doc,TippingPoint 主动式入侵抵御系统简介 一、网络安全形势分析: 自从1995年开始在网络中引进防火墙以来,网络安全解决方案已经定型成为以防火墙为主的解决方案。这个解决方案的特点就是:将网络划分成不同安全等级的网段,在网段边界
The author revisits his 2000 bestseller "The Tipping Point," to examine the flip side of that earlier book's lessons about studying social change. Among the topics he covers: Cheetah reproduction.
This genial book by New Yorker contributor Gladwell considers the elements needed to make a particular idea take hold. The "tipping point" (not a new phrase) occurs when something that began small (e.g., a few funky kids in New York's East Village wearing Hush Puppies) turns into somethi...