我来试着用Tipping Point 所讲述的原则来解释现在的流行现象,First, “很黄很暴力”这句话最近很流行,首先出现在央视新闻节目当中,新闻的内容是央视记着采访了一个小学生,这个小学生说她在上网的时候弹出了一个页面,这个页面“很黄很暴力”,她赶快把页面的关掉了。Ok,分析一下,大部分人听了这条新闻估计脑子里面...
Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.(Book review)Krishnan, Raja N
Free Essay: Book Review - The Tipping Point - Gladwell Purpose or Theme of the book The main them of the book is that little changes can have a big effect on...
The Tipping Point的书评。这本书是去年2月份拿到的,在上海,出门总是要赶很久的地铁,于是习惯了随手带一本书,这样的英文小册子,轻便而不影响我慢慢去读,于是,地铁上的时间有了消磨。读完的时候,一直想给它写一篇书评的,可能真的比...
Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Difference (New York: Little Brown, 2002), 7–9. Google Scholar David Pogue, “Humanity’s Database,” New York Tomes Book Review July 4, 2010, 11; Google Scholar Thomas L. Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree:Und...
Tipping Point Wealth is an Ameriprise advisory practice in New York NY. Get the personal financial advice you need.
Tipping Point Wealth is an Ameriprise advisory practice in New York NY. Get the personal financial advice you need.
Description In the bestselling bookThe Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference(2000), Malcolm Gladwell defined a tipping point as “the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point.” Gladwell explored the diffusion of ideas, products, and messages, proposing that...
The Tipping Point的书评。读英文书累人, 抛开自身词汇的局限性, 也在于外国作者的实在, 看似精致的小开本里每页都写满了密密麻麻的字母, 版式惊人的整齐而刻板, 一如国庆五十周年的仪仗队, 令人敬佩之余兼且头皮发麻, 即使你顶着New York ...