I am trying to synthesize TinyRocketConfig using the ASAP7 PDK with the macrocompiler flag--mode synflops. I am running the following command firstmake buildfile MACROCOMPILER_MODE='--mode synflops' CONFIG=TinyRocketConfigand am getting the following error ...
(Microchip would be well-served by a document that discussed how to choose the right ADC configuration for a task in the general case; I have raised this concern with Microchip and the person who I spoke to indicated that it was a high priority; while the situation has been greatly ...
TinyMineris an all-around "EVE Online Mining Bot Macro Miner" application designed for the popular MMORPG"EVE Online". If you're reading this then you're probably already familiar with the game to a certain extent and you already know how tedious is the job of mining asteroids. This is ...
One can think of the problem of optimal operator placement as a task assignment problem, in which a set of tasks needs to be assigned to a network of processors. In our problem, the task is the query tree where nodes are the operators and edges aredata dependenciesamong the operators. The...
Context recognition algorithms are represented by interconnected data processing tasks forming a task network. Titan adapts to different context recognition algorithms by dynamically reconfiguring individual sensor nodes to update the network wide algorithm execution. We demonstrate the applicability of Titan ...
●ataskcannotpreemptanothertask ●eventspreempttasks(higher priority) Hardware Interrupts e v e n t s commands FIFO Tasks POST Preempt Time commands main{ … while(1){ while(more_tasks) schedule_task; sleep; } } Tasks ●FIFOscheduling ●non-preemptablebyothertask,preemtablebyevents ●performcomp...
Our first task will be to get the name of the file without the extension. Again, we'll be assuming that the only kind of file being passed is a *.md. I'll leave it to you as a future challenge to accept different filetypes (like *.markdown). Back in Chapter 4, we learned ...
MNIST is handwritten digit recognition task, it is simple enough for even 8bit MCU like ATmega328. Try it on PC:cd examples/mnist mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ./mnist mbnetmbnet (mobilenet v1) is simple classification model for mobile devices, but it is still a little heavy ...
Estimating the SoC through a physical model is known to be a complex task as it is directly depending on the integration procedure (1). Thus, many data-driven ML methods have been used to calculate SoC. Unfortunately, these models shared a computationally intensive nature and were therefore imp...