ASAP7 tutorial power-par error#1173 Closed Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment Assignees No one assigned Labels None yet Projects None yet Milestone No milestone Development No branches or pull requests ...
Remember that macros in Rust are, as far as we are concerned, basically the same as functions--except a macro has an exclamation point after it's name to denote that it is a macro. The env!() macro takes one argument: a string key corresponding to the variable we want. The following...
TinyMineris a professionally programmed and fully tested EVE mining bot (No bugs, No errors). It is guaranteed it'll work out-of-the-box, unlike other EVE macro miners out there that are full of bugs and use their customers as beta-testers for the mining bot they had already paid for...
macro_rules! resources_at { ($key: expr, Self::$method: ident) => { ( Path::new($key).clean().as_path().into(), exec_fn!(LspHandler<Vec<JsonValue>, JsonValue>, Self::$method, inputs), ) }; } ResourceMap::from_iter([ resources_at!("/symbols", Self::resources_alt_symbol...
USB basic concepts and how the CherryUSB Device stack is implemented, see CherryUSB Device Stack Tutorial.Graphical Config Toolchryusb_configurator is written in electron + vite2 + ts framework,currently used to automate the generation of descriptor arrays, with additional functionality to be added ...