Lesions of the T1 dermatome often cause pain in the upper midback - around the shoulder blade, sometimes to the front of the chest, and down the inner upper arm.Deep upper back pain. Tingling in arms and hands is not the only sensation that may be caused. You may also have numbness, ...
I've had a similar sensation periodically. Never lasted more than a few days and never amounted to anything in my case. On a somewhat related note, I've recently been able to focus and maintain my mind of intent at the very crown of my head much more consistently while practicing the f...
Shoulder injury A shoulder injury (also known as a brachial plexus injury) can happen due to pressure, stress, extreme stretching, and other reasons. It can result in a loss of sensation in your arm or hand. Multiple sclerosis Many people with multiple sclerosis, a central nervous system dise...
However, do understand that, in the main, I'm going to be directing you (should it be pertinent) to a Chiropractor in your neck of the woods. I'll respond to all reasonable inquiries, but please be specific, and give some details: which fingers, what increases the pain, and relieves ...