That doesn't mean to say you can't also have a problem neck, AND a nerve condition. In fact the pain in the shoulderblade is very typical of a lower neck dorsal scapula nerve condition, but it could also be in your shoulder or midback-rib subluxation. ...
The shoulder blade (scapula) is the bone in the upper back that connects the collar bone (clavicle) and arm bone (humerus). Abroken shoulder blade, usually from a car or motorbike accident, can result inpain, swelling, bruisingordeformation of the shoulder blade area, and weakness, numbness...
Lesions of the T1 dermatome often cause pain in the upper midback - around the shoulder blade, sometimes to the front of the chest, and down the inner upper arm.Deep upper back pain. Tingling in arms and hands is not the only sensation that may be caused. You may also have numbness, ...
I often get a very similar feeling in my left shoulder blade area... I ignore it as well. xuesheng, Thank you. I ... * ... That's it. That's what i've seen that draws me near each time. It is all so familiar. If you recognize you seek without words. I feel this whenever...
Paresthesias in the upper limb, often with a deep radiating ache, and a whole spectrum of conditions like frozen shoulder, rotator cuff syndrome, and carpal tunnel are frequent complaints in the chiropractic clinics. In fact, I would go as far as to say that there is barely a chiropractor...