My gut feeling is that this is not TOS, nor a pinched nerve in the neck, because it affects the whole hand. There are a lot of medical conditions like causalgia that affect the circulation to the hand. It's going to take an experienced clinician to figure it out. If you squeeze your...
I have tingling sensation in my right arm and over the shoulder to the upper part of back. My neck is little sensitive and it hurts when I try to stretch. I‘ve been feeling like this for almost a week now. I don’t know what to do. Should I just keep calm of this requires med...
In the early stages of an irritated nerve in the neck, the skin becomes hypersensitive; meaning increased prickling when tested with the pinwheel. Should you just rub your arm it will have an irritating sensation; but the longer you ignore the tingling, the feeling in your fingers will lessen...
I had a very noticeable decrease in pain. I also gained a noticeable amount of positive sensation. Feeling that I had lost to the injury had begun to return. During
Muscle wasting at the base of the thumb, numbness, feeling of pins and needles, or pain in the shoulder, armpit, arm or hand (when nerves are compressed). Pale, cool arm with weakened arterial pulse in the arm, numbness and pain (when vessels are compressed). ...
Symptoms:Tingling (“pins and needles”), electric shock-likeorburning feelingorpain in the tips of the first three fingers (thumb, index, middle)and theadjacent half of the ring finger(Picture 3), feeling of finger swelling(but usually no swelling),pain in the wrist; weaker grip, clumsines...
One sign is a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the affected body part (the shoulder and⁄or the arm, for example) that develops into persistent pain and a tingling sensation. አንዱ ምልክት በተጎዳው የአካል ክፍል ላይ (ትከሻ እ...
I often get a very similar feeling in my left shoulder blade area... I ignore it as well. xuesheng, Thank you. I ... * ... That's it. That's what i've seen that draws me near each time. It is all so familiar. If you recognize you seek without words. I feel this whenever...
Diabetes can eventually do other damage to your arms as well. My mother recently injured her shoulder badly while she was carrying something and the doctor told her it was probably because of her diabetes. She said she had a bit of arm numbness and then it just suddenly started hurting. ...
Many people with multiple sclerosis, a central nervous system disease, havenumbness in different parts of their bodies, including the hands. It may be a pins-and-needles feeling, or like your hands have fallen asleep, and it can affect everyday activities, like writing and getting dressed. ...