The proposed technique can significantly reduce the layout–timing dependency from the global network of QCA devices in a circuit; therefore, considerably flexible QCA circuit design and floorplanning will be possible.doi:10.1016/j.sysarc.2006.12.007Choi, Myungsu...
FIG. 7 is a diagram illustrating a portion of a Design File showing the Pin-Arc relationship. FIG. 8 is a block diagram of an example of a lower level (ASIC) design before implementation of the Delete Internal Circuitry function. FIG. 9 is a block diagram of the example lower level...
infemale PDcandidate.~erresearcinterestsareinVLSIdesign ig-levelsytesis andloW-poWersystemdesign. YangXiaoZongmale professor.~isresearcinterestsarecomputingarcitecture faulttolerantcomputing faultin ection WirelessnetWork anddependablecomputing. Received7May2004 revisedmanuscriptreceived31August20042005CineseInstitute...
A repository, a loader, a model generator, a constraint generator, and a number of timing analysis tools, are provided for managing timing requirement specifications and measurements, and generating timing models and constraints of a VLSI circuit. The repository stores the timing specifications and ...
A repository, a loader, a model generator, a constraint generator, and a number of timing analysis tools, are provided for managing timing requirement specifications and measurements, and generating timing models and constraints of a VLSI circuit. The repository stores the timing specifications and ...