“Since Peixão – whose nickname comes from the ichthys ‘Jesus’ fish – took power in 2016 of five favelas that have become known as the Complexo de Israel, an allusion to the evangelical belief that the return of Jews to the Holy Land is a step towards the second coming of Christ...
When the Lord was tempted by the devil in Matthew 4:1-11, the weapon our Lord used was, “It is written.” The devil could not argue against that weapon; all he did was to also quote the word of God and try to give it a wrong interpretation. Psalm 119:89 says: For ever, O L...
Michelangelo was an old, sick man when he began carving a sculpture known asThe Florence Pieta(a pieta is a sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Jesus). He worked on the sculpture only at night, and sometimes was in such pain that he could not work at all. Michelangel...
Jesus, who is the exact image of God (Colossians 1:15), will develop the fruit of longsuffering in us as long as we remain in him. If you wish to have the ability to patiently endure your difficult circumstances, then embrace God and He'll bless you with the longsuffering you need ...
9 But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. 10 For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things ex...
Perhaps the Lord knew from theget-go, that his life’s road would be hard to climb. Thus, he allowed the Holy Spirit to lead him into the wilderness, and there he went on a forty day and night fast. Jesus was also tempted by the Devil during this time. ...
Based on tradition, she would have given birth to Jesus Christ when she was about age 14. But she was seeking us out, the lost, even as a very young child during her entry to the Temple, by signaling the its coming transfiguration into the Body of her Son, which Body dwelt within ...
The world needs to reset the scales to tackle the huge imbalance between rich and poor Jesus drove the merchants out of the temple, but who is standing up to today’s billionaires and oligarchs who are exploiting the impoverished and powerless? By Gordon LinneySat Mar 02 2024 - 10:00 ...
Once Upon a Time and So Many Other Times353Early childhood was a time for learning. The toddler explored its home, its village, andthe surrounding countryside. [...] The experience of childhood and adolescence was sup-posed to strengthen the body, sharpen the senses, equip the child to dea...
”God was so gracious in feeding Israel and so simple with his command, yet some did not listen. Now, before you are tempted to draw another conclusion, the truth we must understand is that the primary reason some did not listen was spiritual. So, those whose hearts were...