In this beloved 1980s sci-fi adventure, teenager Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) is unexpectedly transported to the 1950s after a time-travel experiment by his eccentric inventor friend Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) takes a disastrous turn. Caught in a race against time, Marty must naviga...
In this beloved 1980s sci-fi adventure, teenager Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) is unexpectedly transported to the 1950s after a time-travel experiment by his eccentric inventor friend Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) takes a disastrous turn. Caught in a race against time, Marty must navigat...
Now that we've gifted you with the romance rundown of all your favorite fairytale couples, it's time to focus on their fierce and fabulous villains that are headed our way in the second half of season four. The Queen of Darkness — Maleficent, Ursella and Cruella — are ready to get ...
From multiple Batmans to Spider-Man, multiverses and time travel, here's our rundown of the best superhero movies ever.Summary Captain America: Civil War perfectly balances multiple characters, providing each one with a defined role and moments to shine, while still advancing the main characters...
If you’re looking for a best-selling romance novel that’s got it all — passion, intrigue, danger, and time travel— Outlander is your one!21. A Long Petal of the Sea by Isabel Allende Buy on Amazon Add to library A recent release that’s already considered vintage Allende, A Long...
The Terminator is a perfect science-fiction movie, packed with ideas and invention, but thanks in large part to its tight budget, the action can feel a little constrained. The sequel suffered no such setbacks. By this point the most in-demand director in Hollywood, James Cameron was given ...
The Terminator is a perfect science-fiction movie, packed with ideas and invention, but thanks in large part to its tight budget, the action can feel a little constrained. The sequel suffered no such setbacks. By this point the most in-demand director in Hollywood, James Cameron was given ...
He invited me to go to Xinjiang with him, said I could earn 120,000 in two months, travel and lodging provided.” “Wow!” “I went, of course. Guess what kind of business it was . . . transporting heroin. Moving it from Tarbaghatay to Ürümqi. In Beijing and Shanghai, heroin...
We asked you to rate your favourite games in the Metroid series and now we proudly present this reader-ranked rundown of every Metroid game ever. Remember, this list is not set in stone. The ranking below updates dynamically based on each game's User Rating in the Nintendo Life game data...
Because he’s “always been interested in science fiction”. In the third episode, he suddenly decided that the main character knows kung fu, so they brought in a trainer and choreographed a big fight scene. When I read this part of the interview, it occurred to me that my experience of...