Frequentlyin fiction, timeline is used to refer to all physical eventsinhistory, so thatin time travelstories where events can be changed, thetime traveleris described as creating a new or altered timeline. 虛構作品中的時間軸(timeline)通常是指歷史中所有物理事件,因此在可以改變事件的時間旅行中,時...
The Ministry of Timecovers interesting ground, with an approach I haven’t seen before in time travel fiction. The book isn’t particularly concerned with the technology of it all. There’s a time door and a device that enables the time travel, but don’t look for explanations — this is...
Science fiction authors love time travel stories, because it affords them abundant opportunities to build plots full of cleverplot twistsand turns. Sometimes the surprises are really anything but shocking. But that’s not the case with the ingenious taleSteven R. BoyettandKen Mitchroneyhave written...
Who doesn't like a bit of time travel? We've created the ultimate list of the best time travel games to play right now. Find your next game here! BySamuel Stewart2 hours ago While time travel is traditionally featured in works of science fiction, nowadays, you can find elements of this...
无机客 译(此为《20世纪最佳时间旅行题材小说》的序言)我们都是时间旅行者,可能有些人心知肚明,有些人就茫然不知。每一秒,我们都在以1秒/秒的稳定速度踏入未来,同时将过去甩在身后。新的事情发生,旧的事情被我们遗忘。在自己的一生——目前看来,既不是特别长,也不是特别短——里,我亲眼目睹了抗生素、艾滋...
People consider time-travel stories science fiction, and as a rule that's probably right. But time travel is such an appealing idea that it crosses genres. Time-travel romances - the style of two irresistible novels, "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger and "Time and Again" ...
@browncoat - Another really good, if weird, example of that is "All You Zombies" which is one of those short science fiction stories that leaves you feeling quite disturbed afterwards. I won't give away the ending, but it really is a classic of the genre and if you like that kind of...
Finally: if you could time travel, knowing what you know about time travel from fiction, would you? I guess it would depend on what kind of time travel. If it was super safe, I could just go back and hang out and come back Bill and Ted-style, then yes, I definitely would. For...
Time travel is a familiar subject of science fiction, fantasy stories and movies, from movies The Time Machine, The Time Shifters, The Time Traveler’s Wife and Smaragdgrün to books The Time Travel Trap, A Wrinkle in Time and Time Travel. But could time travel ever be possible in real ...