Time series analysis — Introduction - Zuur, Ieno, et al. - 2007 () Citation Context ...mote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 applications as follows: spatial display, thematic map, analysis with multi-sources and time series analysis(Alain F. ...
点击查看全部评论 推荐阅读 Time Series Analysis-1.1Cholesky分解及算法实现 略略略发表于略略略的学... [PaperRead] Time2graph: Revisiting time series modeling with dynamic shapelets ABING...发表于读研两年半 时间序列 | 对时间序列的简单探索性分析 十三月五发表于TheMa... 关于时间统计法的秘密 杏仁book打...
The analysis of time series: an introductionC ChatfieldThe analysis of time series : an introduction Chris Chatfield (Texts in statistical science) Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2004 6th eddoi:10.1080/00401706.1991.10484848C. ChatfieldTaylor & Francis GroupTechnometrics...
Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics(共47册),这套丛书还有 《A Course in Time Series Analysis》《Bayesian Theory》《Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments》《Analysis of Financial Time Series》《Probability and Measure》等。 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评...
Time series analysis is a statistical technique to analyze data points at regular intervals, detecting patterns and trends. Learn with code examples and videos.
2. “The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction” Author: Chris Chatfield Website: Site | Amazon “The Analysis of Time Series” also serves as a broad introduction to time series analysis and covers the basics of theory and practice. In its sixth edition, Chatfield’s book has remained ...
Providing a clear explanation of the fundamental theory of time series analysis and forecasting, this book couples theory with applications of two popular statistical packages--SAS and SPSS. The text examines moving average, exponential smoothing, Census X-11 deseasonalization, ARIMA, intervention, tra...
Strict stationarity is not widely necessary in time series analysis.This is not to imply that stationarity is not an important concept in time series analysis. Many time series models are valid only under the assumption of weak stationarity (also known as covariance stationarity)....
The Application of Intelligent Systems to Financial Time Series Analysis by Martin Sewell 热度: Chapter3 Introductiontofinancialtimeseriesanalysis FordetailsseetextbooksbyMakridakisetal.[1989],Brockwelletal.[1991]andTsay[2002]. 3.1Prologue Atimeseriesisasetofmeasurementsrecordedonasingleunitovermultipletime...
Time-Series Analysis Summary This course teaches about time-series analysis and the methods used to predict, process, and recognize sequential data. Topics include: An introduction to time-series and stationary data Applications such as data smoothing, autocorrelation, and AutoRegressive Integrated Moving...