1.run out of time「没时间」 We're running out of time. 咱们快没时间啦! 2.in a rush「赶时间」 I'm in a rush, talk to you later. 我真的赶时间,晚点再找你说。 3.in a hurry「匆忙,赶时间」 I was in a hurry, so ...
Irreverent and relentlessly entertaining, it boasts more imagination in a single number than most musicals manage in their entire running time. From Los Angeles Times Still, the whole film barely stretches to its 89-minute running time and there’s not enough to the conceit to pad out more of...
Origin oftimeout1 First recorded in1870–75;time(def)+out(def) Word of the Day February 20, 2025 iwis [ih-wis] Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy ...
I'll always remember you. 我会一直记着你的。 6What is your meaning? 这句话的意思可不是询问别人“你的意思是……?”而是在问别人“你的人生有什么意义?” 似乎对方的存在没有必要,所以,这句话用错可就挺得罪人啦。 正确...
Meaning arg1 System boot process. For example, BIOS FRB 2, BIOS/POST, OS Load, SMS/OS or OEM. Impact on the System The OS shutdown and restart interrupt services running on the server. Possible Causes If the alarm is generated during the BIOS/POST process, the...
TIME meaning: 1 : the thing that is measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc.; 2 : a particular minute or hour shown by a clock
Nearly all time tracking apps let you track in real time, meaning they give you a running clock that you launch when you start a task, and that you can pause or stop when you finish. The ability to edit time tracked or manually add time blocks. The best apps let you correct time ...
The meaning of GREENWICH MEAN TIME is the mean time that is associated with the prime meridian of Greenwich, England, and historically used as the prime basis of standard time throughout the world —abbreviation GMT—called also Greenwich Time. How to us
Meaning ‘sublime’ in Arabic, Alaya comes from acclaimed chef Izu Ani, who’s a popular name in Dubai. The Middle Eastern-European restaurant has plenty of flair, as you’d expect, while there’s also a ‘hidden’ underground bar, Ly-La, boasting Bedouin vibes, on-trend tunes and creat...
Meaning arg1 System boot process. For example, BIOS FRB 2, BIOS/POST, OS Load, SMS/OS or OEM. Impact on the System The OS shutdown and restart interrupt services running on the server. Possible Causes If the alarm is generated during the BIOS/POST process, the...