The meaning of RUN OUT OF TIME is to have no more time to do or complete something. How to use run out of time in a sentence.
Jay Weaver, Miami Herald, 28 Feb. 2025 See All Example Sentences for run out Word History First Known Use 14th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1a Time Traveler The first known use of run out was in the 14th century See more words from the same century Rhymes...
run out meaning, definition, what is run out: to use all of something and not have any...: Learn more.
The Microsoft® .NET Framework was designed to support a broad range of programming languages on a single runtime—the common language runtime (CLR). The CLR provides shared services to these languages, including garbage collection, just-in-time (JIT) compilation, a sandb...
runtime helper function that creates an IronPython function object. MethodCallExpression has members indicating that the call is to a method named MakeFunction and what arguments the call gets. One argument is a CodeBlockExpression AST node for the function's body, and another is an array of ...
The furnace runs most of the day. to elapse; pass or go by, as time: Time is running out, and we must hurry. to pass into or meet with a certain state or condition: to run into debt; to run into trouble. to get or become: ...
run out R run out Meaning to not have enough of something to leave for a short period of time to leave someone behind (usually a romantic relationship) to expire; to come to an end Example Sentences I cannot believe that we have run out of milk! Just when I wanted to make a cup of...
Meaning r const n in N inout o out O bycopy R byref V oneway 七、声明的属性 当编译器遇到属性声明时,它会生成与包含的类,类别或协议相关联的描述性元数据。 您可以使用支持在类或协议上按名称查找属性,以@encode字符串的形式获取属性的类型以及将属性的属性列表复制为C字符串数组的函数来访问此元数据...
只跟接不接宾语有关。xx ran out:xx(被)用完了 yy ran out of xx:yy 把 xx 用完了 选用...
Field nametypemeaning DataAnyThe data that needs to be saved (can only be JSON Compatible data) expireTimeStampNumberTimeout, after which saved data is guaranteed to be discarded, defaults to (The Current Moment + 1 day) A more complete example: {% Minicode ('ELP5uTmN7E8l') %} ...