[ 传说之下-时间悖论-COVER ]Undertale-Time Paradox Kitsure Cover [NO-AU] 4.7万 10 03:23 App 【授权转载】[Time Paradox/时间悖论] - Time Paradox/时间悖论 4.7万 303 05:50 App [Undertale动画/中文字幕]Murder time trio Vs DustDust!Sans1 7.0万 66 01:14 App 【虚假的重置】愚人节结局 2....
https://soundcloud.com/jedotime/time-paradox作者:JedoTime曲目类型:MEGALOVANIA所属au:无相关角色:Sans,Sans简介:该曲为JedoTime于4个月前创作的写给Toby Fox创作的像素游戏Undertale的主线角色Sans的相关设想:“当两个Sans同时出现在Undertale宇宙中”的原创Mega
Time Paradox Remake时间悖论二阶段过关! #undertale #sans #时间悖论 #双重审判 #幽灵纳普斯特 - 白百于20241208发布在抖音,已经收获了3.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Time Paradox (时间悖论) 2022-03-06 16:16:3403:25 2.9万 所属专辑:Undertale AU审判曲 喜欢下载分享 声音简介Undertale的特殊时间线 静鱼大大和万年不更 这技术…… T M Sans的头咋圆了 2024-02赞 回复@静鱼大大和万年不更 表情0/300发表评论 其他用户评论 Insanity呀 早就在催,终于鸽了 2022-03...
时间悖论的两个sans不是屠杀和和平的,就是两个不同时间线的sans。 拔刀剑 2022-04-06 20:40:32 所以说审判的是和平的福,还是屠杀的福? mg_混沌 2023-08-07 16:58:56 pap:事件作者我踏m谢谢你 一只屑GZ 2022-07-17 17:48:14 *他从和平的梦中醒来 *他己经厌倦虚伪的和平但却无法相信这一切。《...
那个时间的帕帕瑞丝晕了,但还活着好像 [undertale time paradox](cover) 2023-10-11 13:08:5403:31787 所属专辑:ut同人审判曲!(停更) 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 时间悖论 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 一只sans啥都不会 0012 简介:sans,撑住, 你有了999攻击力和999防护,加油,撑住!打败敌人吧!
it's fair to say the Facebook founder came out ofDavid Fincher's social-media drama smelling less of roses than the stuff you grow them in. But it is great drama, expertly wrought by screenwriterAaron Sorkin, who exploits the story's central paradox (a guy who doesn't get people makes...
The paradox of the note-keeping is that I do it so I won’t forget an idea, an impression, or the fact that we’re out of toilet paper– but despite the distrust of my memory, and an overall lack of organizational system, I rarely forget the pages themselves. “Have you seen,” ...
【Undertale】 特殊时间线-Time Paradox (时间悖论)-TOX#时间悖论sans#传说之下同人音乐 - 秋衫QSF于20221223发布在抖音,已经收获了1936个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The second time travel trope to consider is that of an alleged paradox causing some terrible disaster. For example, in Sliders [104], the protagonists arrive at a universe in which, from their point of view, time intermittently ‘jumps back’, taking them with it. Once back in the past,...