Paradoxalement, notre règle numéro un est de renoncer aux règles et de suivre son instinct. L’écrivain George Bernard Shaw a dit : « On n’arrête pas de jouer parce qu’on vieillit ; on vieillit parce qu’on arrête de jouer. » ...
巴黎女人並不與完美劃上等號。反之,正如作者於書中打趣說一般,“of course, you run the risk of ending up alone. And all because you were oblivious to the man who could have held you in his arms, and ignored the awkward-looking girl who could have been a lifelong friend.” 巴黎的女人,你...
Today's guest post is by Kim "Kimmay" Caldwell, the owner of Hurray Media and a long time bra fitter. Kim blends her bra fitting and swimwear know-how for all sizes to creatively spread the word that lingerie can change a woman’s life for the better. She has appeared onTim Gunn’s...
What’s important is to get out there and try stuff until you learn where your talents, interests, and priorities begin to pay off. When you find out what really works for you, then it’s time to flip from an emergent strategy to a deliberate one. There’s a t...
There is this interesting paradox: The best way to learn is to act. At the same time, often users need to learn first in order to act. One of the biggest skills a technical communicator will need to develop, is the ability to find an appropriate equilibrium between supporting the reader’...
I’ve been doing Information Security (now called Cybersecurity by many) for around 20 years now, and I’ve spent most of that time writing about it as well. So I get a good amount of email asking the following question: So this article is my answer to that question, with all the...
There seems therefore to be a paradox: whereas in a system that seems more flexible the compositions of hammered objects are not linked to any type of object, however the technical constraint requires a controlled recycling to avoid introducing too much lead (Fig.13). In contrast, for cast it...
If so, that's an AR overlay using the cameras to capture their own hands using the actual keyboard + mouse/trackpad so that it looks as it does when we are doing it sans-Goggles. But that's probably worth a re-watch. I think I saw it but I've looked at a LOT of stuff about...
This paradox disappears if the economic development of these areas is evaluated in relative rather than in absolute terms. As an example, when, around the middle of the twentieth century, regions such as Sardinia and Ikaria, two other blue zones, began their economic development, this involved ...
The Israeli art field has been negotiating with the definition of Israeli-ness since its beginnings and more even today, as "transnationalism" has become not only a lived daily experience among migrants or an ideological approach toward identity but also a challenge to the Zionist-Hebrew identity ...