In the example folder (example_data), there are two data files from the study of "A Comparative Transcriptomics Method to Infer Time-ordered Gene Coexpression Networks and its Applications". The data file should be a Tab-separated values (.tsv) format that contains m rows and n+1 columns,...
F. Liu, Time-lagged co-expression gene analysis based on biclustering technology, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 27 (2013), 4031-4039.Liu F (2013). Time-lagged co-expression gene analysis based on biclustering technology. Biotechnol. Biotechnol. Equip. 27: 4031-4039. http://dx.doi...
Predicting viral exposure response from modeling the changes of co-expression networks using time series gene expression data Article Open access 26 August 2020 Pathway expression analysis Article Open access 17 December 2022 Introduction The main objective of this paper is to determine when an infec...
In particular, this methodological paper aims to reconstruct regulatory networks from temporal gene expression data by using delayed correlations between genes, i.e., pairwise overlaps of expression levels shifted in time relative each other. We have thus developed a novel model-free computational too...
When modeling coexpression networks from high-throughput time course data, Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) is one of the most effective and popular similarity functions. However, its reliability is limited since it cannot capture non-linear interactions and time shifts. Here we propose to overco...
Insects use olfaction to detect ecologically relevant chemicals in their environment. To maintain useful responses over a variety of stimuli, olfactory receptor neurons are desensitized to prolonged or high concentrations of stimuli. Depending on the tim
CopilotSynonyms credential Currency (TransactionCurrency) Custom API (CustomAPI) Custom API Request Parameter (CustomAPIRequestParameter) Custom API Response Property (CustomAPIResponseProperty) Custom Control (CustomControl) Custom Control Default Config (CustomControlDefaultConfig) Custom Control Extended Setti...
FxExpression Git Branch Git Configuration Retrieval Data Source Git Organization Git Project Git Repository Goal Goal Metric Governance Configuration Help Page Image Attribute Configuration Import Data Import Entity Mapping Import Job Import Log Import Source File Index Attribute Insights Store Data Source In...
Modules were named according to their cell type and rank-ordered by the number of genes they contained (e.g., OB-1 was the OB module with the most genes). The summarized view of the temporal gene expression patterns observed in each cell type at 50 mg/kg is shown in Fig. 3D. Of ...
Thus, after extensive work on research and intermediate classes of networks (regular networks, ordered networks, networks with unary predicates/transitions), a high-level Petri net class is obtained: Well-formed Nets (WN). 3.6 Well-formed nets 3.6.1 Definition A well-formed net (WN) is a ...