Netflix Possibly the most random ad we've worked on is this story of keeping up with the Jones's as told by a family of hamsters. It was directed by Smith & Foulkes through Nexus and involved coaxing the fur balls into an array of movements and positions to tell the story, (for all...
There was some quite extreme vfx transformations needed to take the footage, shot in the "exotic" location of suburban Bromley, into the realms of Mordor. Have a look at the example below. In addition a lot of time was spent integrating other elements needed such as rain, water splashes, ...
So that brings us to the end of our E3 walk though Bow and Bromley. Whilst this area suffered badly during the Blitz, it still retain some older buildings with reminders of a world before industrialisation and also of a quite radical past. You are close by Devons Road DLR station for onw...
Our job primarily was to grade the idents and set a level of legibility for the troop. We created the balance between the troop appearing overly obvious and perhaps distracting to what’s going on, with the need to understand them as a fun and creative element of each film. We also were...
Directed by Bradford Young for 4creative. Kopparberg 'High Five' Grey Goose 'Botanicals' Gumtree 'Good Finds' Pets At Home 'We're Better With Pets' Pets at Home show they are more than just a shop. Directed by Nicolas Davies UNHCR 'The Journey' FIFA 'The Midnight Ramadan League' EA ...
Time Based Arts VFX Supervisor: Mike Skrgatic 2D LEAD: Thiago Dantas 2D TEAM: Adam Paterson, Jamie Crofts, Leo Weston, Grant White, Linda Cieniawska & Matt Shires 3D TEAM: Sam Osbourne, Oscar González-Diez, Zoe Sottiaux & Sean Ray ...
Agency: Droga5 NYC Chief Executive Officer - David Droga & Jason Kreher Chief Creative Officer - Scott Bell Group Creative Director - Tres Colacion, Giancarlo Rodas Creative Director - Bastien Grisolet, Matt Sorrell, Alex Romans, Nathaniel Lawlor, Tom Coleman, Derek Lui ...
Executive Creative Directors: Nicholas Hulley, Nadja Lossgott Creative Directors: Toby Allen, Jim Hilson Agency Producer: Edwina Dennison Production Companies: Somesuch, Revolver Director: Steve Rogers DoP: Simon Duggan Producers: Caroline Kruck, Seth Wilson, Lee Groombridge ...
Our first job as here at Time Based Arts and we were delighted to be working with such a great new talent. We were asked to supervise and post-produce on the live action car shots for this Spanish commercial for the BMW X3. The bulk of the commercial is told through animation, philo...
Youngs It was great to work with Arno Salters on this charming spot for Youngs through agency Mother. It illustrates that there are two sides to every story, in this case either slave away in the kitchen or simply let Youngs take the strain....