Complex networks have been programmed to mimic the input and output functions in multiple biophysical algorithms of cortical neurons at spiking resolution. Prior research has demonstrated that the ineffectual features of membranes can be taken into accou
5.1Complexity Thestudyofcomplexityofaproblemisthestudyofthecomplexityofthealgorithmthatsolvestheproblem.Thecomputationalcomplexityofanalgorithmismeasuredbytheamountofresourcesrequiredtocarryitout,i.e.,timeandspace.ThetimecomplexityofacomputationCisdeterminedbytheamountoftimerequiredtoperformC,whereasthespace...
A system and machine-implemented method for sorting Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) reads in O(n) time and space complexity that makes use low sparsity and nearly uniform distribution of the input array. The genome position field in the input array is used to determine the target position of...
Are there any Bitmap(ped) indexes in SQL Server? Are there MIN(A,B) or MAX(A,B) functions in SQL? Argument data type datetime is invalid for argument 3 of json_modify function Argument data type sql_variant is invalid for argument 1 of like function Argument data type text is invalid...
However, TFM does not provide any approach for the oscillatory nature of the vibrational signals. The main contributions are as follows: (a) the oscillatory information contained in the high-resonance component is extracted by the RSSD algorithm, which can facilitate the noise mitigation compared to...
In order to reduce computation complexity, a decomposed strategy is utilized. A HSCVFNT algorithm infers the regulations of each target gene, respectively. For each target gene, the HSCVFNT algorithm uses a novel scoring method based on time-delayed mutual information (TDMI), time-delayed ...
They have shown good performance in monitoring and predicting faults of industrial machines in specific conditions and environments. However, the approaches are sensitive to noise and system complexity in the actual production field. Moreover, it is difficult to determine lots of their model parameters...
Such complexity limits the validity of typical laboratory approaches for which, one of the main challenges in extrapolating accelerated lab experimental data to real structures is the inconsistency of the acceleration rate of different phenomena, e.g., ASR, creep and concrete aging. For example, ...
In this paper, we introduce the flexible window-overlapping scheduling (FWOS) algorithm that optimizes the overlapping among TT windows by three different metrics: the priority of overlapping, the position of overlapping, and the overlapping ratio (OR). An analytical model for the worst-case end...
The local methods mainly use the local information around the pixel of interest to calculate, involving less information and lower computational complexity. Common local matching algorithms include area-based and feature-based methods. The area-based matching algorithm is based on the principle of ...