5.1Complexity Thestudyofcomplexityofaproblemisthestudyofthecomplexityofthealgorithmthatsolvestheproblem.Thecomputationalcomplexityofanalgorithmismeasuredbytheamountofresourcesrequiredtocarryitout,i.e.,timeandspace.ThetimecomplexityofacomputationCisdeterminedbytheamountoftimerequiredtoperformC,whereasthespace...
Complex networks have been programmed to mimic the input and output functions in multiple biophysical algorithms of cortical neurons at spiking resolution. Prior research has demonstrated that the ineffectual features of membranes can be taken into accou
A system and machine-implemented method for sorting Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) reads in O(n) time and space complexity that makes use low sparsity and nearly uniform distribution of the input array. The genome position field in the input array is used to determine the target position of...
Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. J R Stat Soc B 64, 583–639 (2002). 23. Berliner, L. M. Hierarchical Bayesian time-series models. In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods 15–22 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL, 1996). 24. Pesigan, T. P. et al. Studies on ...
Polynomial time control is a concept related to the complexity of algorithms and problems in computational complexity theory. If a problem has a polynomial time verification algorithm, this means that if the problem is solved, its correctness can be verified in polynomial time. It has several advan...
In hopes of promoting earlier threat detection on DAA systems, we benchmark several object detection algorithms on multiple graphical processing units for the concrete DAA use case. Two state-of-the-art "real-time object detection" and "object detection" model sets are trained using our CENTINELA...
The matching accuracy of global algorithms is higher than that of the local algorithms, and the edges of the objects are also kept better. Unfortunately, the complexity of global algorithms is higher, and the processing time and hardware costs increase, which consume more memory during runtime. ...
For this reason, each characteristic of a target's echo can be advantageous for developing algorithms to refine acoustic fish estimates. We measured pulse-compressed broadband acoustic signals from tethered fish (common bream Abramis brama) in different dorsal positions. Based on generalized additive ...
This method takes into consideration uncertainties in demand when accounting for an optimal BESS schedule, making it robust compared to the deterministic case. The proposed method is verified and tested against existing algorithms. Data obtained from a real site in South Korea is used for ...
The vision-based gesture interaction method, in addition to certain requirements for light and background, are of relatively high computational complexity, perform poorly in real-time, and have other shortcomings in terms of target recognition and processing; for example, very complex feature ...