5.2RatesofGrowth DefnLetf:NNandg:NNbeone-variablenumber-theoreticfunctions.i.fissaidtobeoforderg,writtenfO(g),ifthereisapositiveconstantcandnaturalnumbern0suchthat f(n)cg(n),nn0 ii.O(g)={f|fisoforderg},i.e.,thesetofallfunctionsoforderg,iscalledthe“bigo...
Simulation shows this algorithm implements the same optimal performance as Greedy algorithm but largely decreases complexity and is of the same degree of complexity as Jang, Leke, Krongold algorithms but implements optimal performance.关键词: fading channels greedy algorithms E tight character OWA bit ...
We examine the theoretical limits on developing algorithms to find blocking probabilities in a general loss network. We demonstrate that exactly computing the blocking probabilities of a loss network is a P-complete problem. We also show that a general algorithm for approximating the blocking probabili...
An adaptive processor implements partial updates when it adjusts weights to optimize adaptation criteria in signal estimation, parameter estimation, or data dimensionality reduction algorithms. The adaptive processor designates some of the weights to be update weights and the other weights to be held ...
algorithms or seeking improvements. Algorithmic complexity lies within a branch of theoretical computer science called computational complexity theory. It is significant to state that we're concerned about the order of the complexity of an algorithm, not the actual execution time in terms of ...
Computational algorithms integrating multivariable data that comprehensively depict complex mechanisms of cardiovascular reactivity are currently being intensively researched. Quan- titative Complexity Theory (QCT) provides quantitative and holistic information on the state of multi-functional dynamic systems. The...
CP learning algorithms have been successfully applied for system identification and damage detection in References [22,25,26]. The main contribution of this paper is to apply the CP algorithms to the pipelines noisy magnetic field data, towards an accurate time-based modal identification. These non...