设置“Time Away”功能的步骤包括:进入eBay卖家中心,点击“Schedule time away”,选择“Allow item sales”或“Pause item sales”,并选择假期的开始和结束时间。如果卖家想要立即开始假期模式,则选择当天的日期即可。解除假期模式时,卖家需要进入eBay卖家中心,找到“Time away”设置,选择“Cancel time...
1.进入eBay卖家中心,找到“Time away”(假期模式)设置。 2.选择“Cancel time away”(取消假期模式),或者在“END DATE”(结束日期)处,重新设置结束时间。 3.点击“APPLY”应用设置。 四、如何设置自动回复? 1.进入eBay卖家中心,找到“Time away”(假期模式)设置。 2.选择“Automatic response”(自动回复)按钮。
✔当卖家启用休假(Time Away)设置时,只要卖家根据更新后的预计送达日期运送物品,eBay系统将会自动移除与物品运送有关的差评。如果卖家因意外情况而需要休假,卖家可以启用休假(Time Away)设置立即开始休假,并且在数小时之内,卖家的预计送达日期将被自动延长;如果卖家选择隐藏刊登,卖家的刊登将被隐藏。请注意,很重要的一...
✔ 通过休假(Time Away)设置,卖家可以几乎实时隐藏和重新显示自己的刊登,将生效时间延误减少到至低限度,以避免对卖家的业务产生负面影响。 ✔ 新的预定(scheduling)功能将使卖家能够提前计划和做好准备。 ✔ 当卖家针对在线刊登启用休假(Time Away)设置时,eBay系统将对预计送达日期和发货时间作出调整。这意味着,...
I did "time away" for 2 weeks last October but kept open items for sale. For some strange reason I got great sales for those two weeks. I was on a cruise ship and just emailed each buyer I'm on a vacation and when I returned on such and such a date item will be mailed. A lo...
My last sale was on Nov 13. Somewhere around the 17th I went into the time away mode while moving. That doesn’t end until Dec 13th or when we get our computers set up. Got notice from eBay today that they will be deducting $3.31 from my funding source to pay for money I owe ...
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Page View1 Billion Page views we receive every year RankingTop 200+ We are among top 200 sites in india MerchantsTop 200 Merchants who are promoting their products Fans On Facebook2,00,000+ Fans on Facebook Or Follow Us Scan This QR Code to get our App. ...
If so, next time, set the bid to your max (read up on eBay's proxy bidding by clicking[_ here _]) and choose a lead time of, say 8 seconds or even 30 seconds for Auctions that end on Sunday evening (USA time). Hope that makes sense - if not, ask away and someone may be ...
My dad’s watch shop closed when he passed away suddenly and far too young at age 63. I had to close it up as I wasn’t living in the New York area at the time. I miss him and think of him every day. Riding the wave of watch trends ...