卖家还可以设置自动回复,进入eBay卖家中心,点击“Automatic response”,选择“Message when on time away”,设置开始和结束时间,在自动回复框内输入回复内容,最后点击“APPLY”。这样可以自动回复买家,告知他们假期期间的销售状态。更多关于eBay的讯息,点击《eBay卖家保护:Top-rated seller比普通卖家享更...
1)Seller Hub界面通过“Time Away”进入“My eBay”界面下属版块“Account”, 然后再点击“Schedule time away”(这里指的是设定离开时间)。再通过“Start date”和“End date”进行时间区间设置,最后点击“Apply”即可完成哦! 2)根据上文①和②的条件,设定完成之后所有的产品链接详情页将会有2种情况哦,第一种是...
1.进入eBay卖家中心,找到“Time away”(假期模式)设置。 2.选择“Cancel time away”(取消假期模式),或者在“END DATE”(结束日期)处,重新设置结束时间。 3.点击“APPLY”应用设置。 四、如何设置自动回复? 1.进入eBay卖家中心,找到“Time away”(假期模式)设置。 2.选择“Automatic response”(自动回复)按钮。
1)Seller Hub界面通过“Time Away”进入“My eBay”界面下属版块“Account”, 然后再点击“Schedule time away”(这里指的是设定离开时间)。再通过“Start date”和“End date”进行时间区间设置,最后点击“Apply”即可完成哦! 2)根据上文①和②的条件,设定完成之后所有的产品链接详情页将会有2种情况哦,第一种是...
新的Money Back Guarantee政策规定,从10月19日起,订单总价值达到750美元的包裹,无论商品价值高低,卖家都必须要求买家签字收货,这比原先的规定更有利于买家。若卖家绩效不达标,广告活动将受限。此外,eBay还对其他卖家工具进行了调整,如“Offers to buyers”、Seller Hub Performance页面更新、新增...
“eBay刚刚发布了《2020秋季卖家更新》,涉及多项功能/工具,以及政策规则的调整,比如Time Away功能和Money Back Gua” eBay刚刚发布了《2020秋季卖家更新》,涉及多项功能/工具,以及政策规则的调整,比如Time Away功能和Money Back Guarantee退款保护政策。这些更新,有些是早前宣布,已开始实行,另外一些则是即将启动。(文...
What stops a seller from having different handling times for different items, whether they’re in the same location or different locations? I’ve never had a problem doing that. Message 8 of 12 latest reply 1 Helpful Reply Time Away duncanvr Guide (19345 ) View listings In response ...
eBay will deduct final value fees from incoming payments, but final value fees are not the only things a seller can owe. (ex. shipping labels, refunds, Fedex or UPS adjustments and surcharges, etc.) What does your transaction detail say that the $3.31 charge was for? Message 4 of 9...
勾选【Display a return date】并设置了休假结束日期,买家会看到:“This seller is currently away until , and is not processing orders at this time. You can add this item to your watch list to purchase later.”这样可大幅度降低买家的不良购物体验。在【Message to display on your storefront】下方...
For sellers interested in opening up an eBay Store, we recommend viewing theOpen an eBay Storehelp topic, followed by theSet up your storepage in Seller Center. There are no available APIs to create a seller's eBay store. Vacation/time away ...