首先,Tier 5的实习工作必须是公司本身固定工作职位以外的职位,Tier 5的实习生在签证结束后如果想要继续在公司供职,需要从新申请Tier 2工作签证,申请人必须回到原住国递交申请,并且受到Tier 2年度配额限制。 另外,Tier 5 签证不可以在英国境内转换成除配偶(Spouse visa)或陪伴签(Dependent)以外的其他签证类型。 索学...
另外,Tier 5 签证不可以在英国境内转换成除配偶Spouse visa或陪伴签Dependent以外的其他签证类型。 如此看来,Tier5只是留学生毕业后长期留在英国居留的缓冲,如计划定居英国,则需要及时转换其他永居签证类别。 以上就是关于英国国际毕业生可从Tier4学生签转换为Tier5的详细信息,如果有任何疑问或是更多问题,可以随时点击...
4、在2010年4月6日新的移民规定出台之前申请到的Tier2(IntraCompanyTransfer)Visa,并且你这次是申请更换Sponsor 5、如果你是已经取得学位、或者将在3个月内完成课程、或是已经读博12个月及以上的Tier4Visa持有者 6、Start-UpVisa 7、InnovatorVisa 除此之外,Tier4Visa的持有者的随行家属(DependentPartner)、英国国...
You can include your partner and dependent children in your application for permission to stay with you. Speak to our business immigration experts If you are exploring your options for a visa or require international business advice, our highly experienced solicitors will assist you in exploring all...
Tier 5 (Temporary Worker - International Agreement) Visa临时工-国际协议签证 Tier 5 (Temporary worker-Seasonal Worker) Visa 临时工-季节性劳工签证 有几类担保资质可以用一样的申请表和材料一起申请(比如,Tier 2 普通 和Tier 2公司内部论调可以同时申请)。但是,其他类别(例如体育类别)因为申请条件不同,必须...
Cooling off period for tier 2 dependent visa Where a migrant leaves the UK prior to the expiry of his Tier 2 leave, he/she will be subject to 12 months cooling off period (with some exceptions), whereby it will not be possible to enter Tier 2 route again unless 12 months passed from...
Tier 5 (Temporary Worker - International Agreement) Visa临时工-国际协议签证 Tier 5 (Temporary worker-Seasonal Worker) Visa 临时工-季节性劳工签证 有几类担保资质可以用一样的申请表和材料一起申请(比如,Tier 2 普通 和Tier 2公司内部论调可以同时申请)。但是,其他类别(例如体育类别)因为申请条件不同,必须...
Any dependent family members that you bring with you must wait five years before they are eligible for settlement. Tier 1 Investor visa holders have until 5th April 2025 to apply for UK ILR. Need assistance? We can help As a team of immigration lawyers and former Home Office employees, ...
Applying for UK ILR with a Tier 1 Investor visa You may become eligible to apply to settle permanently in the UK after two years if you invest £10 million, after three years if you invest £5 million, or after five years if you invest £2 million. Any dependent family members tha...
Students between the age of 16-17 should discuss with their chosen educational establishment for which visa they should apply for. The sub-category in which you will apply for is dependant on the course level. If the course is considered as NQF Level 3 or above, the educational provider shou...