音频列表 1 Tier2 Dependant visa,圆您团聚梦想 1182018-04 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1664 Tier-ABC by:Deutsch_perfekt 623 AI英书3.5 Jack Tier; or, The Florida Reef by:知音博雅英语 3821 2加2 by:ECHO_CUI 187 2real2live2rare2die-6!XXX by:嘻哈有态度 346 2loud2hear Pt 2-Gimme2Loud by:嘻哈有...
Tier 2签证:/apply-visa-type/tier2 Tier 4签证:/apply-visa-type/tier4 Tier 5签证:/apply-visa-type/tier5 Short term student(短期学生签证):/apply-visa-type/tier4 Visitor(访问签证):/standard-visitor-visa/apply PBS dependents(计分制家属签证):/apply-visa-type/dependant 这里还要提醒的一点是:每...
1. 国籍为欧洲经济区(EEA)和瑞士之外的国家 2. 已获得有技能的工作(NQF level 6), 此份工作与担保公司的业务相关 3. 已得到担保人的担保, 并获得担保人提供的担保函(Certificate of Sponsorship) (从Tier 4 Dependant在境内转成Tier 2 签证或从境外申请Tier 2签证,公司需要申请Restricted COS,...
This visa is for the skilled professionals overseas who have been offered a job in United Kingdom. There are many categories under this. The open categories are mentioned below:-
3、家属类签证 Spouse/Dependant Visa 对于在英国的华人来说,通过与有英国身份的人结婚的方式获得英国永居,是最常见的一种居留方式。 不过请注意,在办理”家属签证“前,你需要先分清楚自己属于哪个类别,关于各类家属签证的具体要求,可参考我们的往期内容:
根据英国法律“溯及既往”的原则,对在17日下午4时前已经提交申请和已经持有该签证的人士来说,不受影响,申请、续签、转永居,或申请家属作为Dependant团聚的审批都遵循原有规则。 续签要求 ▫ 申请人名下持有至少200万英镑可用资金,已将这些资金投资于...
根据英国法律“溯及既往”的原则,对在17日下午4时前已经提交申请和已经持有该签证的人士来说,不受影响,申请、续签、转永居,或申请家属作为Dependant团聚的审批都遵循原有规则。 续签要求 ▫ 申请人名下持有至少200万英镑可用资金,已将这些资金投资于活跃的英国企业的股票或债券; ...
dependant. PBS Dependant application form should be used if the person whom the child is dependant on has been granted leave to remain under the Points Based System. FLR(O) application form should be used if the person whom the child is dependant on has been granted leave to remain in...
Switching into being a dependant family member is possible but holders of the following visas are ineligible: as a Visitor; or as a Short-term student; or as a Parent of a Child Student; or as a Seasonal Worker; or as a Domestic Worker in a Private Household; or ...
people are mainly those who are on shorter term visas. Such people need to apply for tier 2 visa entry clearance from outside the US. One significant group of people who need to apply for a tier 2 visa from outside the UK are those who are in the UK on tier 5 youth mobility visas...