申请一个Tier 2(General)普通工作签证,一般来说牵涉到以下费用:【一般雇主都会承担啦】 1). 雇主的移民技能费(Immigration Skills Charge) 一般来说,每赞助一位新的海外员工,雇主每年就需要支付1,000镑的移民技能费,并且需要一次性付清。 也就是说,雇主如果要帮一位非欧盟籍员工办5年的工作签证,就要一次性交出...
Tier 1 visa;Tier 2 (Sportsperson) visa;Tier 2 (General) visa;Tier 2 (Intra company Transfer: established staff) visa 且申请换担保人;Tier 2 (Intra company Transfer) visa under the Immigration Rules in place before 6 April 2010 且申请换担保人;Tier 4 visa 或其他学生签证;作为专业足球运动员...
Holders of existing Tier 2 visas will be able to apply for a skilled worker visa if they wish to extend their stay in the UK, provided they meet all of the general requirements. They do not have to make an application now, only when their current Tier 2 leave is about to expire. ...
Workpermit.com's team of specialists has 30 years of experience in immigration services, and have helped thousands of people to study and work in the UK. We work with clients under Section 84 of the 1999 immigration act and can deal with all the whole tier 2 visa process including the re...
4,在Tier2短缺职业列表上做一份每周20小时的工作,和你的主要工作,Tier2短缺职业列表名单链接:https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-appendix-k-shortage-occupation-list 5,如果你参加了政府授权的研究人员交流计划,可以申请将签证转换为一级特殊人才签证Tier1, ...
immigration status will continue until your application is decided, even if the decision is not made until after the end of your permitted stay. If your existing visa or other permission to stay here allows you to work, you can continue to do so until your case is decided. You do ...
Inaccordancewithparagraph34oftheimmigrationrules,thisformis speciedforapplicationsmadeonorafter1October2012.Youalsoneedthe separateTier2ofthePointsBasedSystem-HelpTextandPolicyGuidance forthisform.Pleasereadthembeforemakingyourapplication.Ifyoudonot alreadyhavethisguidance,youcandownloaditfromourwebsiteat. ukba.homeo...
outside the Immigration Rules. Intra-company transfers (ICT), now called Senior or Specialist Worker visa under the Global Business Mobility routes Intra-company transfers can continue under the skilled worker route. The individual must have 12 months experience working for a business overse...
If the course is below degree/foundation degree level or below NQF/QCF level 6, and where the student is not from one of the English-speaking countries listed in the Immigration Rules at Appendix A. The student will need to show a knowledge of English language equivalent to level B1 or ab...
need to show that you have any English language ability and you will not need to show the maintenance for yourself and your dependants. You can come to the UK with a Tier 1 (Investor) visa for a maximum of 3 years and 4 months. You can apply to extend this visa for another 2 ...