证明你的英语水平 两种证明方法: 一是英国承认的英语语言测试达到B1水平,例如雅思达到5.0-6.0; 第二种是英国学士,硕士,博士学位证。 个人资产 在你申请Tier2(General)之前,银行账户需要有945英镑并...
申请一个Tier 2(General)普通工作签证,一般来说牵涉到以下费用:【一般雇主都会承担啦】 1). 雇主的移民技能费(Immigration Skills Charge) 一般来说,每赞助一位新的海外员工,雇主每年就需要支付1,000镑的移民技能费,并且需要一次性付清。 也就是说,雇主如果要帮一位非欧盟籍员工办5年的工作签证,就要一次性交出...
Please note thatTier 5 visaholders cannot switch to the Tier 2 General visa category from within the UK and need to apply for a visa in their home Country. Some examples where you do not need to do the Resident Labour Market Test are as follows: ...
Holders of existing Tier 2 visas will be able to apply for a skilled worker visa if they wish to extend their stay in the UK, provided they meet all of the general requirements. They do not have to make an application now, only when their current Tier 2 leave is about to expire. ...
maximum visa granted of 5 years in general (9 years where salary is £120,000) must have worked for the employer for at least 12 months outside the UK unless salary is over £73,900 minimum salary of £41,500 or appropriate rate for job (whichever is higher) ...
As a general rule, you cannot spend more than 5 years on a Tier 4 visa. You may only extend after 5 years on either exceptional circumstances or if you are applying to study a PhD. The immigration rules are clear on the fact that the 5 years includes all other periods including the ...
The UK Border Agency announced on Friday additional documentation requirements for Tier 2 visa applicants applying for indefinite leave to remain;...
AEC_Summary_Tier2aecsummarytier2goattiertier4学生签证pbstier4studenttier4tier1签证种类tier1英国tier4签证tier0sdllvisatier Competencies for Applied Epidemiologists in Governmental Public Health Agencies Tier 2: Mid-Level Epidemiologist Example of Functional Responsibility • Carries out simple and more ...
Undergraduateorpostgraduatestudiesleadingtoataught MastersdegreeinoneofthesubjectslistedinAppendix6,paragraph2 oftheImmigrationRules;or 移民条例第二款,附录6中列明的为授课类硕士学位做准备的本科或研究生学习;或 Morethansixmonths'studyorresearchataninstituteofhighereducationintheUKwherethisformspartofanoverseaspost...
A Tier 4 Student Visa is a visa that allows international students from outside the UK or Europe to student in the UK. A Tier 4 Student Visa has two sub-categories: General Student – for those who are coming to the United Kingdom for education purposes. ...