Some of them are just gross; others can really harm you. Here’s how to stop creepy-crawlies from spoiling your trip.
Each year, the ticks that carry Lyme disease are biting and infecting hundreds of thousands of Americans, some of whom will suffer long-lasting, debilitating symptoms. Despite the spread of the disease — it is now found in half of the 3,000 counties in the“lower 48,”Pfeiffer said — n...
Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They can spread disease when they bite. What ticks carry Lyme disease? Blacklegged ticks carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. These ticks live in the northeastern, mid-Atlantic, and north-central U.S. ...
Need For Protection Against Ticks That Carry Lyme DiseaseDebra Levey Larson
A bipartisan coalition in Alabama has come together to endorse a public safety package that would ban devices that convert semi-automatic weapons into machine guns Associated PressFeb. 12, 2025 California Farm Donates Hundreds of Thousands of Eggs to Wildfire Victims and First Responders ...
Tick larvae are born uninfected. They feed on blood from the white-footed mice (and chipmunks and short-tailed shrews) and acquire Borrelia bacteria, the cause of Lyme disease. They can feed on birds or other rodents, which do not carry the Lyme bacteria, and remain uninfected. The larvae...
Here's how it typically happens. Basically, if the tick sucks blood from an animal or person that's already infected with Lyme Disease and then attaches itself to another uninfected animal or person, Lyme Disease can be easily spread. And it's not a "one-and-done" thing either. An inf...
Ticks remind me of varroa mites: they are flat, oval, brownish, and entirely sneaky. They have too many legs, carry diseases, and are not at all cute and cuddly. This post is simply a reminder that ticks are spreading into new places, and they can carry of number of nasty human disea...
Lyme disease is not transmitted from person-to-person; however, dogs and cats can carry Blacklegged Ticks inside and place families at risk of being bitten. Check your pets for ticks daily and talk with your vet about keeping your pet protected from ticks. Remember, that you are at risk ...
Do I need to take my dog to the vet after a tick bite?Most vets will say that you do not need to take your dog to the vet after a tick bite, but you should monitor your dog for signs or symptoms of Lyme disease for the next several weeks or months. ...