Need For Protection Against Ticks That Carry Lyme DiseaseDebra Levey Larson
Lyme disease– a bacterial infection transmitted by the blacklegged tick (pictured above) – is a major public health problem in the US, with around300,000 people contracting it each year. Thanks in part to climate change, the ticks that carry the disease are no longer confined to...
Ticks that carry the disease were first discovered locally in Malibu State Park in 1999, and researchers say the infected creatures now appear to occupy a 22-mile stretch of the Santa Monica Mountains, from Malibu to the Palisades. Saviskas said it isn’t clear whether infected ticks are spre...
1 The transmission cycle (how the bacteria is passed) begins when ticks feed on birds and small mammals that carry Lyme disease. Once the tick bites an infected animal, it becomes infected with Lyme disease and could possibly transmit the bacteria to humans through a bite. A tick can ...
Deer and white-footed mice give Lyme disease to ticks that bite them. As their habitats shrink, they live closer to people. Dogs also carry ticks into homes and spread them to their humans. As the climate warms, some people spend more time outside. That raises the odds of being bitten...
Ixodesticks can carry other organisms in addition toB. burgdorferi,and these can cause illnesses that can mimic Lyme disease or can even occur along with Lyme disease. The two most important infections are ehrlichiosis (HGE) and babesiosis. Doctors also may performliver functiontests and blood coun...
What is Lyme disease? It is an infection that is spread by ticks that carry the Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete (spiral-shaped bacteria). Chipmunks, shrews, mice and a wide variety of birds can all be carriers of B. burgdorferi. According to the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Societ...
Ticks must remain attached for 36-48 hours before they can transmit the bacterial pathogen; this is a very important factor for prevention. Prevention of Lyme disease relies on identification and avoidance of tick exposure and rapid removal upon identification; however, only 25-30% of patients ...
The best way to prevent Lyme carditis or Lyme disease is to stay away from places with ticks that carry the bacteria or take precautions when walking in areas where ticks are abundant, Shen said. People who work outdoors—such as landscapers, farmers, grounds maintenance workers and people in...
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