Have you ever happened to be writing an e-mail reply to a customer inquiry and when you have hit "send", another member of your team has already dealt with the problem? It happens because conventional e-mail software does not support "group" mode. The Trouble Ticket Express solves the ...
OneDesk trouble ticket software allows users to add notes, documents and more to a ticket, enabling teams to track tasks end-to-end with ease.
Learn how online trouble ticket system software can help you automate ticket management and deliver delightful customer experiences. Sign up FREE!
Once a ticket enters the system, Web Help Desk tracks ticket status until the problem is resolved, helping ensure the right ticket is sent to the right agent, related incidents are linked in the system, and no requests are lost in the process. ...
Support Ticket Your Email Address Subject Is this a Problem, Question, or Software Install Task? Problem Something is not working the way I think it should work. Question I have a question about billing, functionality, teaching, something not working, etc. Task Is it possible for yo...
This is to inform you that Lenovo Google Meet Series One Room Kits Device have Power ON issue. SL.No: : xxxxxxxx Google Meet Series One Room Kits - Type 20YW MTM:20YW0008HA We already checked power supply connection and power adapter also changed but device power not ON. ...
But when support requests start piling up, it can be easy to end up with too many open tickets and not enough satisfied customers. This is called a ticket backlog — any time period with a significant number of unresolved tickets. This problem is fairly normal for companies. In fact, ...
Priority: How urgent is your problem? Low: I'm facing a problem/I've got a question/I've found a bug, but it's not needed to answer my ticket as soon as possible.. Medium: I'd like to get help soon, but everyone else who needs help first can be dealt with before me. ...
【Software Version】: 3008, Hardware version 1.1 【Problem Statement】: Transmitting serial data I have connected a USB to RS232 converter to the evaluation board. This works as expected with the data received on the server. I am designing a PCB that uses the 3.3V serial inputs on the USR...
Kaspersky Technical Support Team Now i am asking you dear Forum Master. I will try explain step by step. Your request numbered XXXX is waiting for your review. -->>> It's waiting my review? Where is the solution? Where is their reply? If your problem is not resolved, please rep...