Titanium 6242Si was creep tested at 510 C and 241 MPa to plastic strains of about 0.002. These conditions are common in commercialspecifications for acceptance of this alloy. Nineteen specimens were extracted from four identically thermally and mechanicallyprocessed coupons from the same ingot and ...
AMS 4919F-06(中英文对照)Ti-6242双重退火钛合金薄板带材和板材(dai-si-wei-2018-3-14),,陕西华西钛业有限公司在前身华西新技术开发研究所基础上发展起来,主要从事高强度钛及钛合金合金材料的检测、研发、生产和推广应用任务。公司依托宝鸡钛产业集群技术装备高端真空自
Ti6242 Titanium Round Bar Material Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.08Si Production Standard ASTM B348 AMS4928 Certificates ISO9001:2015 Temperature Range Low temperature to 500°C Density 4.51g/cm3 Yield strength at room temperature ≥895 MPa Lead time ...
, Deformation mechanisms and microtensile behavior of single colony Ti-6242Si, Mater. Sci. Eng. A , 319–321(2001), p.398.Savage MF, Tatalovich J, Zupan M, Hemker KJ, Mills MJ. Deformation mechanisms and microtensile behavior of single colony Ti-6242Si. Mater Sci Eng A 2001;319-321...
Primary,secondary and an elastic creep of a high temperature nearα-Ti alloy Ti6242Si. ES-SOUNI M. Materials Characterizations . 2000ES-SOUNI M.Primary,secondary and an elastic creep of a high temperature nearα-Ti alloy Ti6242Si.Materials Characterizations. 2000...
Dogan B, Zheng X, Lorenz U, Ankara A (2004) Deformation and crack initiation in Ti-6242Si alloys. In: Lutjering G, Albrecht J (eds) Titanium '03 science and technology. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp 1831-1838.
Dislocation interactions were investigated in near-alpha titanium alloy Ti6242Si after low cycle fatigue. Samples from the gauge section and the crack initiation site on the fracture surface were studied. Grain pairs with different crystallographic orientations were analysed from the gauge section to ...
In this study, the fatigue fracture mechanisms were investigated in a forged near- 伪 titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.1Si, which had been tested under a condition that resulted in life variations by more than an order of magnitude. The crack-initiation and small crack growth processes...
Joseph S, Bantounas I, Lindley TC, Dye D. Slip transfer and deformation structures resulting from the low cycle fatigue of near-alpha titanium alloy Ti-6242Si. Int J Plast 2018;100:90-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2017.09.012....
Joseph, SudhaBantounas, IoannisLindley, Trevor CDye, DavidInternational Journal of PlasticityJoseph S, Bantounas I, Lindley TC, Dye D. Slip transfer and deformation structures resulting from the low cycle fatigue of near-alpha titanium alloy Ti-6242Si. Int J Plast 2018;100:90-103. https:/...