Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium AlloysNonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous AlloysSummary This document is part of Subvolume A 'Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous Alloys' of Volume 37 'Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys' ...
随着对Ti-Al基金属化合物研究的深入,目前得到的大家比较公认的Ti-Al二元相图如图1所示[3]: 图1 Ti-Al二元相图 Fig.1 Ti-Al binary phase diagram 由图1可知:Ti-Al系中的主要金属间化合物相有:Ti3Al相(α2),γ-TiAl相,δ-TiAl3相。Ti3Al相(α2)具有D019的超点阵结构,密排六方,空间群为P63/mmc α...
ChemInform Abstract: The Al—B—Nb—Ti System. Part 4. Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Re‐Evaluation of the Binary Al—Nb and Ter... This paper reports on the phase diagram of the ternary alloys. With starting metals of 99.99% Al, 99+% B and 99.9% Ti, arc-melted under Ar atm ...
Ti-Al相图 1. Introduces valence electron structures of solid phase inTi-Al phase diagram,calculates solubility of interstitial elements. 阐述Ti-Al相图固相的价电子结构,计算了间隙元素的溶解度。 2) Al-Ti-Nb-8Mn constitutional diagram Al-Ti-Nb-8Mn系相组成图 ...
是;n—Ti,一(Ti,Nb),Ti2Ni,TiNi,TiN[.,(Ni),NbNb,NiNbXXXc和xD.其 中x化合 物为首次发现... 关键词Ti~Ni-Nb系相图等温截面扩散偶三元舍2,控 Ti—Ni—Nb三元系是一个十分重要的合金 系统.研究该系的相平衡关系对于开发新的形 状记忆合金,耐磨材料,超导材料及非晶材料 ...
phase boundary. The results obtained by the present work stoichiometrical formula of X compound is Ti Ni Nb . B 3 9 8 are summarized in Table 2. According to the experimental The results of microstructure observations and EPMA data presented in Table 2 and the phase equilibria of analysis on...
Phase Equilibria in the Ti-Rich Part of the Ti-Al-Nb System—Part II: High-Temperature Phase Equilibria Between 1000 and 1300°C ternary phase diagramThe knowledge of phase equilibria in the Ti-Al-Nb system above 1000°C is of importance for the manufacturing of TiAl-based parts ... B ...
CALPHAD(CALculation of PHAse Diagram)技术是目前非常成熟且用途极为广泛的相图评估和计算方法,它不仅是材料动力学,显微组织演变计算模拟的热力学平台,而且能够广泛地应用于新材料的设计与研制.Cu,Fe,Nb,Ni,Si,Cr,Ti等是Al基合金中的主要合金元素或添加元素.为了设计铝基合金成分,优化制备工艺,并有效地提高合金性能...
Local Atomic Distributions of Alloying Elements in Ti-Al(-Nb) Phases It is known that almost all of industrial Ti alloys were developed on the basis of the Ti-Al binary system. In the Ti-Al binary phase diagram37, the high-temperature BCCβ-Ti solid solution covers a wide composition rang...
(1.山东建筑大学材料科学与工程学院ꎬ山东济南250101ꎻ2.山东大学材料科学与工程学院ꎬ山东济南250061)摘要:利用Pandat软件优化和计算了Ti ̄Nb ̄Zr三元系相图ꎮ采用SGTE(scientificgroupthermodataEurope)数据库中的表达式描述纯组元的吉布斯能ꎬ选取...