A. Lipsitt.The Nb-Ti-Si ternary phase diagram: Evaluation of liquid- solid phase equilibria in Nb-and Ti-rich alloys[J]. Journal of Phase Equilibria .1997(3)Bewlay, B.P., Jackson, M.R. (1997) “The Nb-Ti-Si Ternary Phase Diagram: Evaluation of Liquid-Solid Phase Equilibria in Nb...
The Nb-Ti-Si ternary phase diagram: Determination of solid-state phase equilibria in Nb- and Ti-rich alloys B. P. Bewlay, et al., The Nb-Ti-Si Ternary Phase Diagram: Determination of Solid-State Phase Equilibria in Nb- and Ti-Rich Alloys, Journal of ... B.,P.,Bewlay,... - 《...
According to the binary Pb-Bi phase diagram (see ref.15), at Bi concentration from 55.5 to 58.0 wt.%, the alloys consist of superconducting \({\epsilon }\) and non-superconducting Bi phases. The higher magnetic Jc obtained in the Pb44.5Bi55.5 can be attributed to improved flux pinning ...
Therefore, the investigation on the phase diagram of this of the alloys after melting was less than 0.3 wt%. The 3 system is very significant. However, the phase diagrams slices (103833 mm ) were prepared from the ingot by determined in the earlier period were limited due to the spark...
raalsec~onlwedetermined.The12single—phaseregionsincludea—Tisolid soLution,一(Ti,Nh)solid~olutiorx, T12Ni,TiNi,TiNi,fcc(Ni)solidsolution,NiNb,Ni6Nb…XX 虬 andXThe~rnarycompoundX 日is djscoveredforthefirsttime. KeywordsTi--Ni--Nbsystemphasediagramisothermalsectiondiffusionco ...
In recent years, the focus of research efforts towards these metal membranes has been the development of robust/cheaper alloys and the exploration of related phase diagrams. To address this challenge, the phase diagram and solidification path of the Nb-Ti-Fe alloy system have been investigated ...
The 12 single-phase regions include a-Ti solid solution, β-(Ti,Nb) solid solution,Ti2Ni,TiNi,TiNi3,fcc-(Ni) solid solution,Ni3Nb, Ni6Nb7, XA, XB, XC and XD. The ternary compound XB is discovered for the first time. Key words: Ti-Ni-Nb system phase diagram isothermal section ...
Fig.11 EDS element distribution diagram of FeCoNiCrNb0.2Ti0.3 HEA fracture surface 3.4 耐腐蚀性分析 根据图12 FeCoNiCrNbxTiy高熵合金熔覆层和基体在3.5wt.% NaCl溶液中的极化曲线可知,FeCoNiCrNbxTiy高熵合金和42CrMo可以自发钝...
Nb-Ni-Ti evaluation contributed byK.P. Gupta, The Indian Institute of Metals, Metal House, Plot 13/4, Block AQ, Sector V, Calcutta, India. Literature searched through 2000. Dr. Gupta is the Alloy Phase Diagram Co-Category Program Editor for ternary nickel alloys. ...
徐丽丽1ꎬ徐勇1∗ꎬ许荣福1ꎬ王志刚1ꎬ田彬1ꎬ于美杰2 (1.山东建筑大学材料科学与工程学院ꎬ山东济南250101ꎻ2.山东大学材料科学与工程学院ꎬ山东济南250061)摘要:利用Pandat软件优化和计算了Ti ̄Nb ̄Zr三元系相图ꎮ采用SGTE(scientificgroupthe...